Canadian History

  • The Acadians

    The control of the Acadia went back and forth between British and French control. They refused to pledge allegiance to the British who had control at the time. They were affirming their national identity as Acadians, not British or French. The British could not have that so they expelled 14,000 people from their homes and shipped them far south as modern-day Georgia. Their homes were burned, there land given to loyal British settlers.
  • The Conquest (The Planes of Abraham)

    During the seven years, war breaks out between Britain and France, most of the fighting goes on in the North American colonies. A smallish battle is fought, in Quebec City, and the British gain control. The fighting stops for the winter because the pack ice on the river stops transportation. The peace treaty gives essentially all of modern-day Canada to the British.
  • Louis Riel

    While the Royal Proclamation of 1763 stated that First Nations peoples must be treated as a sovereign nation. Metis people were not Frist Nations so they didn't have that protection. under the leadership of Louis Riel, the Metis people began to resist the settlement of their homeland and create their own government.
  • Lord Durham

    When rebellion breaks out in both Upper and Lower Canada and after the military ends the protests, the British government sends Durham, to find out what is making everyone unhappy. He is really remembered for by French Canadians, is that he also recommended that the French be assimilated.
  • Indian Act

    It pertains to people with Indian status. in part protects the rights of Aboriginal peoples that are in the treaties. The treaties were signed in order to honor the expectations laid out in the Royal Proclamation of 1763.
  • Chinese Head Tax

    Immigrants from China were brought in to help build the railway, especially through the treacherous mountains. Once the railway was done so the government did not need them anymore. those who chose to stay in the government made it very difficult for them to bring there family to Canada, by imposing the head tax. The tax was only imposed on Chinese immigrants. it kept on increasing until it became the equivalent of two years' wages.
  • Conscription crisis during World War One

    It was a very serious decision as it means that the government will be forcing its citizens to fight in the war. The people of Quebec were opposed to conscription. They felt that this was a European conflict and that no Canadian should be forced to fight. In Ontario, the support for conscription was high as they still felt a strong loyalty to Britain and felt it was out dut to support the British
  • FLQ

    Both the people and the government of Quebec began demanding greater acceptance, they felt that the Parti Quebecois was taking too long to achieve self-determination for the Quebecois. It turned violent action in order to push the federal government into accepting sovereignty for their people.
  • The White Paper

    The Indian Association of Alberta, under Harold Cardinsls leadership, rejected the White Paper in their document which became popularly known as the red paper. quoting the document, aboriginal organizations across Canada agreed "There is nothing more important than our treaties, our lands, and the well-being of our future generations"
  • Bill 101

    The law created to protect the French language. Prime Minister Pearson ordered the Bilingual and Bicultural Commission to study the lives of one of the founding nations of Canada. Initially, Bill 101 was controversial law that banned the use of any other language than French in many areas including advertising.
  • Quebec refuses to sign the constitution

    The BNA Act was a British document, that was passed by the Canada Act to make our constitution Canadian. The Quebecois were furious that the amending formula that had been established was created b 9 out of the 10 premiers. The Quebec premier refused to accept a deal that would not give Quebec a veto on many constitutional issues.
  • Supreme Court

    we have the right and the freedom to believe whatever we want. There was an officer who was part of the Sikh faith, and they wear turbans as part of their religious identity. The RCMP had a long-standing tradition of wearing a Stetson hat. The policy was changed to allow members to wear their turban.
  • The Oka crisis

    It is one of the most famous land-claims conflicts. It happened because a golf course wanted to expasn. The land was a traditional land that included an ancestral burial ground. The Kanasatake nation brought a case stating that their lands had been taken from them, but the court disagreed. So they started to have protests, building barricades, when police were brought in to break up the protest, shots were fired and a police officer was killed.
  • The second referendum is held to decide if Quebec should separate from Canada

    The first vote was in 1980 was not really close to 60 - 70 but it did concern the rest of Canada that the elected government in Quebec.
    When the government of Quebec held another referendum the vote was much closer to 50.6 to 49.4, the response of the premier of Quebec to the loss highlighted the nationalist motivations behind the separatist movement. this was highly criticized and led to fears that if Quebec were to separate, it would make an ultranationalist society.