C.L. FrenchRev

By lupold
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    the lavish court borroed so much money and bu 1789, half of the governments income tax went into paying the debt, in the late 1780's, bad harvest sent food prices soarin, bring hunger to poorer peasants and city dwellers
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    jaques necker comes in

    jaques necker in france, during king louis xvi's rule, louis gets financial expert jaques necker to help with the finance issue that is occuring. he urged the king to reduce extravagant court spending, reform the gvernment, and abolish burdensome tariffs on international trade, and raise the price of bread. this made people mad, they couldnt afford bread so they couldnt eat.
  • the estates general is callled

    the estates general is callled
    france tottered on the verge of bankruptcy, bread riots were spreading, and nobles were fearful of taxing. all this becomes too much for king louis xvi, so he calls in the estates general, hoping they could help.
  • unrest explosion at paris factory

    unrest explosion at paris factory
    everone in france are really upset becase a rumor spread that the factory owner was planning to cut wages even though bread prices were soaring. by july, the hungry, the unemployed and the poorly paid people had taken arms
  • voting in the estates

    voting in the estates
    an issue on voting occured and each group had one vote. the first and second estate always beat the 3rd estate, so the third estate want to count by heads.
  • voting continued

    voting continued
    failing to represent the pope of france, they call themselves the national assembly, they found their meeting hall locked. they decide to go next door to the tennis court and they take a tennis court oath swearing " never to seperate and meet where ever the circumatances might require until we have established a sound and just constitution". this is sayng they will vote as one and that they will keep meeting until their problem is fixed.
  • the 3 estates

    the 3 estates
    the people of france still clung to an outdated social system from the middle ages, under this ancien régime(estates), everyone was divided into 3 social classes. 1st estate: was made upon the clergy, 2nd estate: was made up of the nobility, and 3rd estate: was made up of the vast majority of the popluation.
  • angry women

     angry women
    it was written in the declaration of rights of man and the citizen that all men "werer born and remain free and equal in rights". this means all men are equal to the law. the women are furious, so 6,000 women march 13 miles in pouring rain from paris to versaailles shouting "bread" and wouldnt leave until their demand was met. they make the royal family come back.
  • the convention creats a new comittee

    so much is going on in paris and the convention creates a new comittee to helo situate this. all people had to pay tacxes to help with the war effort. they later tood the neitherlands ad then italy, also taking care of revoltion peasants in paris.
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    the terror

    with robespiere in charge, he starts the terror. this killed many people of france, if they revolted or did not like whats going on. 300,000 people were arested and 17,000 executed