Aubrianna Buergel Timeline

  • Here I Come

    Here I Come
    I was born to Richard Shouse and LIsa Buergel and i was born in Oaklawn.
  • Goodbye Summer

    Goodbye Summer
    In the bedining of 8th grade I hope to be in advaced art because I love to draw and I'm very artistic.
  • Peace Out Hawks

    Peace Out Hawks
    Three goals I hope to achieve is to never go to BAM, go to lockin, and pass all of my classes because I want to do go in school and all of these things so that I'm behaving and doing what I'm told.
  • Hello Sheperd

    Hello Sheperd
    When I atende high school I will be atending Alen B. Sheperd High School.
  • Classes at Sheperd

    Classes at Sheperd
    I want to take art classes or photo classes because I love to take pictures of beuitiful things like sunsets, friends and other lovely things.
  • Inrest Goals

    Inrest Goals
    I would love to join yearbook or photo club when I go to Sheperd because I'm very creative and I've been in yearbook and photo club sence 6th grade.
  • Sheperds Goals

    Sheperds Goals
    I would love by this time that I can learn some polish or german because my family is from both of those coountries and I thing it would be really spectacular to bilingual.
  • Here We Go

    Here We Go
    I would like if I am capable to pass all of the classes I take so I came get into a college of my choose.
  • Graduation

    I would hope that by I graduate high school I pass with atleased a B average.
  • Bye Bye Sheperd

    Bye Bye Sheperd
    Two potencel obstcals that could stand in my way are I wouldn't have enough money to go to colllege or I wouldn't be able to find a job.
  • Time to Dicied

    Time to Dicied
    i will atend Marraine Valley and Illionis Unifersity. I would like to be a childcare worker. TO be a childcare worker you need less than a high school deploma to and early childedhood education certificate. Child care workers make on average $9.28 per hours.
  • School is Over

    School is Over
    I hope that my my mom and my grandpa are there when I graduate. I would feel so overwhelmed and speechless.
  • Friends

    I would like to still have my friends that I have now when I grow up because I'm very good friends with everyone of them and I wouldn't know wat to do if i lost them.
  • Jobs

    By this time, I would like to have a joib and be paying my owm bills so I wont have to rely on people.
  • Tavel

    I hope ny this time I graduate collage and vist france because I think it is one of the most beuitiful places ever.
  • Birthday Travel

    Birthday Travel
    On my 29th birthday I would like to fly to the bahamas for a weekbecause I have always wanted to go.
  • Future goals

    Future goals
    I would like to have 2 kids, 1 boy and 1 girl because I grew up with my brother and me.
  • Death

    I would like to live til I'm at leased 90 years old because my great grandme is 90 and still living.