Andrew timeline

  • Hello world

    Hello world
    I was born to Amy Alheim and Ron Mayday
  • My Life has now Began

    I hope my parents are there to see my gradution i think that they will be proud of me because I did somthing that is hard to do.
  • Not a Sevey

    Not a Sevey
    I want to take advencesd infotech bectause i like computers and i like to learn about computers.
  • Highschool Here I Come

    Highschool Here I Come
    Three things i would like to achieve by the end of 8th grade is to be in honor role, be on the basketball teamfor 7th and 8th and i want to be on the vollyball team in 8th grade.
  • Allen B. Shepard

    Allen B. Shepard
  • Math Wiz

    Math Wiz
    I want to be in geometry as a Fressman because I am good at math and i want to ba a math teacher
  • Baseball Star

    Baseball Star
    i want to be on the baseball team because I'm good at baseball and it's my favorit sport.
  • Time to Hit the Road

    Time to Hit the Road
    When I am 16 I want to get my drivers license so I can drive to peoples house or school if i want.
  • Debate Time!

    Debate Time!
    i want to be indebate club as a junio beacuse moer people will lessen to me when I'm older.
  • Best in Class

    Best in Class
    I want to have a g.p.a of 3.3 or better in Highschool because i want to get into a good college when I'm older.
  • It's posible

    It's posible
    Two things that can get in my way ar to not have enough money and soport from family and friends and if I dont get a job.
  • Fighting Irish

    Fighting Irish
    I wnat to go to Notre Dame for college to be a Math Teacher, I will need a masters degree and i will make $30,970-$80,970 a year.
  • I Did It!

    I Did It!
    I want my parents to see me graduat college. I think they will be poud of me for going through college and getting my masters.
  • Time to Teach

    Time to Teach
    I want to get my goal and be a math teatcher because I always wanted to be a math teacher and I am realy good at math so i think I'll good at it.
  • Longest Plan Ride Ever

    Longest Plan Ride Ever
    I want to go to New Zealand because I always wanted to go there ecause it is an awsome lokking place to go to.
  • World Seires Time

    World Seires Time
    I want to go to a World Seaires in my life time because baseball is my favorit sport and I always want
  • MWI

    I want to be in my step-dads componey to be a manager of bands. I want to do this becaus I have a big interest in muisc, so I think it will be cool to manage a band or two
  • Good By World

    Good By World