8.1 Revolution

  • Establishment of National Assembly

    Establishment of National Assembly
    This assembly made it so the lower class citizens had a voice in society and made it equal and fair in voting. This also made it so that the third estate has equal voting power and can make laws. This is very important because this helped start the revolutionary era of France.
  • Period: to

    French Revolutionn 1789-1794

    The French Revolution changed everything in France. Such as government, social classes, and political views.
  • Storming the Bastille

    Storming the Bastille
    In paris, rumors spread that the king was going to use military force to dismiss the National Assembly. As these rumors flew, people began to gather weapons. A mob was searching for gunpowder and they stormed a Paris prison- Bastille. This is important because this was one of the first uprisings in France at the time. This got the momentum swinging for a full blown revolution that would change everything.
  • Speeches

    On this day, politicians made speeches supporting the revolution. They did this out of fear. They were most likely threatened with their life. This was important because it showed how strong the revolution was at this point.
  • Womens march on Versailles

    Womens march on Versailles
    On October 5th of 1789, bread prices were rising to almost double the original cost. The women of France were not happy about this. They marched on the palace were the king and queen both stayed. They stormed the palace, killing any gaurd who got in their way. They demanded that the king and queen leave. King Louis thought about this and eventually agreed to this. This is important because it drove on the revolution. It also drove France's weak rulers out.
  • King Louis attempts to escape

    King Louis attempts to escape
    The king and his family attempted to escape the borders of France to Austria, where they could try to make a counter revolution. Before they crossed the border, they were apprehended and returned to Paris where the King was executed. This is important because if he escaped, the king couldve possibly stopped the revolution and regained power and control over his throne.
  • New constitution

    New constitution
    On this night, the National Assembly had made a new constitution that the king had to accept. This new constitution limited the kings power and stripped him of almost all power. It also created three branches of government. This was important because it finalized the revolution. Meaning that since this constitution was in use, the king could not do anything about.
  • France declars war

    France declars war
    In 1792, France's branches of government declared war on Prussia. By doing this, it split French forces in half. As Prussian forces were advancing, France could only send so many soldiers to counter attack Prussia's advances because if they sent most of their soldiers, the uprising and revolt in Paris would be untamed and the citizens could revolt and destroy Paris. They need soldiers there to control the revolt. This is important because it weakened France from the inside out.
  • Invasion of the royal palace

    Invasion of the royal palace
    As soon as France sent out more troops, about 20,000 men and women invaded the royal palace and captured the royal family. This was important becuause it shifted the side in control.
  • Robespierre comes to power

    Robespierre comes to power
    Maximilien Robespierre came to power as a dictator in 1793. His period of reign was known as the "Reign of Terror". He was against the revolution and tried to put an end to it when he came to power. Eventually, his people turned against him and was executed. This was important because it showed just how far the revolution had come.
  • End of the revolution

    End of the revolution
    This was the end of the French Revolution. After some of the National Convention members feared for their lives, so they turned on their leader, Robespierre. They ordered his death. He was executed later that year. After Robespierres death, France had found a strong, and balanced leader. Napolean Bonaparte.