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8.1 French Revolution Timeline

  • The New Third Estate

    1.3The Third Estate becomes the National Assembly. They prclaims the end of absolute monarchy.They also proclaim the beginning of representative government. I find that this important because it is the very beginning of the revolution.
  • Period: to

    French Revolution

  • Tennis Court Oath

    1.3The Estate is locked out of their meeting room. They the breaks into a indoor tennis court. They all pledge to stay there until they draw up new constitution. I found that this is important because it is were they drew up a new constitution for France.
  • Stroming the Bastille

    1.3The french storm the Bastille prison. They collect weapons to protect the city against attacks. This day is now a holiday. I feel this was important because it told how the french armed themselves.
  • Noblemen Speeches

    2.1Noblemen made many great speeches motivated by fear. The noblemen also join the National Assembly. The noblemen are made equal to commoners. I found that this is important because the noblemen are starting to lose their power.
  • Riots

    1.4Parisian women riot because of the raise in bread prices. The women march onto Versailles and broke into the palace while killing guards.They demanded that the King return to Paris. This is important because the King has now returned to Paris.
  • Louis's failed escape

    2.1Louis tried to escape France but was stoped and retured to Paris Louis’s attempted escape increased the influence of his radical enemies. Also this attempt at escape sealed his fate. This is important because it got Louis's enemies higher influence.
  • New Constitution

    2.2The National Assembly creat a new constitution. This new constitution stripped the king of his power. It also created a new legislative body, the Legislative Assembly. This is important because the king was now striped of his power.
  • A New War

    2.3 Austria and Prussia wanted the French to restore an absolute monarch. The wanted to restore the power back to Louis. The Legislative Assembly responded by declaring war.
    This is important because it is the start of a war.
  • National Covention

    2.3France set aside the constitution of 1791. France is declared a Republic and grants male the right to vote and hold office. Women are not given any of these rights despite their support to the revolution. This is important becausse France is now a Republic.
  • Guillotine

    2.3Louis is reduced from a king to a prisoner. He trialed for treason and is found guilty. Louis XVI is sentenced to death and is beheaded. This is important because it is the death of Louis XVI.