Me white background

My Life

By jpurd1
  • My Birthday

    My Birthday
    I was born at Welborn Hospital in Evansville, Indiana
  • Massachusetts

    My dad's job and family matters brought us to Lynn, Massachusetts where my dad's family lived.
  • Multiplication and Division

    Multiplication and Division
    Times tables are the only thing that I have ever needed to know outside of math class.
  • Soccer

    I joined the Lynn Rockets soccer team in Massachusetts and stayed on the team for 6 years.
  • My 1st saxophone.

    My 1st saxophone.
    My aunt gave me her old saxophone for my birthday so that I could learn to play it. I watched a man play a saxophone in church and I decided that I wanted to be as good as he was at it.
  • Millenium Club

    I got to eat pizza with the principal in a limo because I read more books over the summer and riased more sponsorship money than any other person in my elementary school.
  • Florida

    My family and I visited family and went to Disney World in Florida and we decided that it would be cool to live there, so we moved to Deltona, Florida that same year.
  • Indiana

    My parents divorced, so I had to move back to Evansville with my mom and sister.
  • Auntie Monica's Wedding

    She wanted to be in my timeline.
  • Last day of school

  • Graduation

    Off to college.