French Revolution

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    Deficit spending

    deficit spendingFrance was left with lot of debt from Louis XIV's extravagent spending, The Seven Years War, and The American Revolution. Bad harvests sent food prices soaring and caused poorer pesants and city dwellers to go hungry. To solve the financial crisis the Government would have to raise taxes, reduce government spending, or maybe even both.
  • Louis XVI Calls Estate General

    Louis XVI Calls Estate General
    The Estates- General is a legislative body consisting of representatives of the three estates called for making changes. The idea for calling the Estates- General is that everyone would be represented in order to please as many people as possible.
  • Parisians storm the Bastille

    Parisians storm the Bastille
    The people stormed the Bastile and demanded weapons and gunpowder. The Bastille was a prison that the people knew had stores of weapons and supplies. The Bastille represented years of abuse by the monarchy, the fight was hard for both sides, in the end many people on both sides died. The storming of the Bastille was the begining of the revolution. The storming of Bastille is also consided the start of independence for France and the 14th of July is France's independence day.
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    National Assembly Acts

    Tennis Court OathAbolished fuedalism,made the Rights of Man which was modled on the American Declaration, involved with the Womens March which brought the king back to paris
  • Threats from Abroad

    The king of Prussia and the emperor of Aistria made the Declaration of Pilnitz. The Decaration of Pilnitz threated to intervene to protect the French Monarchy. The revolutionaries took the threat very seriously and prepared for war.
  • Monarchy is Abolished

    Monarchy is Abolished
    Revolutionary Parisians stormed the Royal Palace and killed the kings guards, then a month later they attacked prisons that held nobles and priests accussed of political offenses and killed about 1,200 prisoners. Radicals then created the National Convention and extended suffrage to all male citizens, siezed the landds of nobles and abolished titles of nobility. They also put Louis XVI on trial as a trator and was conviticted and sentenced to death.
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    Robespierre and The Reign of Terror

    GuillotineRobespierre was one th ethe chief architects of the Reign of Terror, which included hasty trials that lead to death sentences, many peope were killed during The Reign of Terror.