The French Revolution

  • Deficit Speding in France

    Deficit Speding in France
    The government in France was in financial trouble due to deficit spending. Lous XIV left France deeply in debt because, the Seven Years War and the American Revolution strained the treaury even further. Costs had risen during the 1700s. The government continued to borrow more and more money. To slove the financial crisis, the governent would have to increase taxes, reduce expenses, or both.
  • Louis XVI Calls The Estates General

    Louis XVI Calls The Estates General
    French begins tolerating bankruptcy. Lous finally summons The Estates General once bread riots started spreading and nobles, fearful of taxes, started denouncing royal tyranny.
  • Parisians Storm The Bastille

    Parisians Storm The Bastille
    The city of Paris seized the spotlight from the National Assembly meeting in Versailles. The streets buzzed with rumors that royal troops were going to occupy the capital. More than 800 Parisians assembled outside the Bastille. The Bastille was a grim medieval fortrss used as a pison for political and other prisoners. The crowd demanded that weapons and gunpowder were stored there. They did not find any weapons.
  • Natioal Assembly Acts

    Natioal Assembly Acts
    The National Assembly voted to end their own privileges. They agreed to give up their old manorial dues, exclusive hunting rights, special legal status, and exemption from taxes. The delegates announced that "Feudilism is abolished" In late August, as a first step towardwritting a constitution, the Assembly issued The Declaration of the Rights of Man and the citizenship.
  • Threats from Abroad

    Threats from Abroad
    The failed escape of Lous XVI brought further hostile rumblings from abroad. The King of Prussia and the emperor of Austria, issued the Declaration of Pilnitz. In this document, the monarchs threatened to intervene to protect the French monarchy. Revolutionaries in France took the threst seriously and prepared for war.
  • Ciil War

    Ciil War
    Th revolutionary currency dropped in value, causing prices to rise rapidly. Working- class men and women called sans-culottes, pushed into more radical action.
  • Monarchy is Abolished

    Monarchy is Abolished
    Well-trained Prussian forces were cutting down raw French recruits. In addition, royalists officers were deserting the Frech army, joining emigres and others hoping to restore the ings power.
  • Robespierre and the Reign of Terror

    Robespierre and the Reign of Terror
    Robespierre quickly rose to the leadership of the committe of public safety. He promoted religious toleration and wanted to abolish slavery. He believed that France could achieve a "republic of virtue" only through the use of terror. "Liberty cannot be secured," Cried Robespierre, "unless criminals lose their heads"
  • Spread of Nationalism

    Spread of Nationalism
    Revolution and war gave the French people a strong sense of national identitiy. Natiomalism is a strong feeling of pride in and devotion to ones country which spread throughout France. French people attended civic festivals that celebrated the nation and the revolution.
  • Third Stage of the Revolution

    Third Stage of the Revolution
    Moderates produced another constitution, the third since 1789. Weak, but dictorial, the constitution the Directory faced growing discontent. Peace was made with Prussia and Spain, but war ith Austria and Great Britian continued