Western Civ Topic 15 Final

  • 2340 BCE

    Mesopotamia Military Advancement

    Mesopotamia Military Advancement
    King Sargon the Great, also known as Sargon of Akkad, conquered almost all of the major Mesopotamian cities and forged the world's first true empire, in the process uniting the regions of Akkad and Sumer.
  • 1780 BCE

    The Code of Hammurabi

    The Code of Hammurabi
    The Code of Hammurabi is one of the earliest and most complete legal codes from ancient times. The codes influenced laws established by Hebrew scribes.
  • 404 BCE

    The Peloponnesian War

    The Peloponnesian War
    The Peloponnesian War was between the Delian League and the Peloponnesian League, led by Athens and Sparta, respectively. Democracy spread after the Peloponnesian War. It lasted from 431 to 404 BCE
  • 336 BCE

    Alexander the Great takes over Macedonia

    Alexander the Great takes over Macedonia
    Alexander the Great took over Macedonia in 336 BCE because his father, Philip II was killed. He was a military genius and courageous warrior, living up to his honorific “the Great”.
  • 200

    Decline of Slavery

    Decline of Slavery
    While the decline of slavery was not political, having slaves was. With the decline of slavery began the start of the decline of the Roman Empire.
  • 212


    Emperor Caracalla gave citizenship to all free men and women to make it easier to collect taxes.
  • 1095

    The 1st Crusade

    The 1st Crusade
    The First Crusade (1095 - 1099), which lasted only four years following the initial declaration by Pope Urban, was amazingly successful. What had once been the great power of the Middle East, the Abbasid Caliphate had long since splintered apart, with rival kingdoms holding power in North Africa and the Middle Ages. The Crusades in general increased political stability and institutional development.
  • 1189

    The Third Crusade

    The Third Crusade
    The third crusade started with the retaking of Jerusalem by an Egyptian Muslim general that was led by the emperor of the Holy Roman Empire. The third crusade helped increase political stability and institutional development.
  • 1500

    The Renaissance

    The Renaissance
    The Renaissance was a period of rebirth in innovation, culture, art, and learning, with these changes, politics changed as well due to new ideas.
  • Aug 24, 1572

    The St. Bartholomew's Day Massacre

    The St. Bartholomew's Day Massacre
    The St. Bartholomew’s Day Massacre occurred because Charles and Catherine invited Huguenot Prince Henry of Navarre to Paris to marry Charles’ sister, Margaret. The St. Bartholomew’s Day Massacre was a product of religious fueled hatred, during this time religion and politics were closely intertwined.