
Timeline to Limited Monarchy

  • Period: Jan 1, 1200 to

    Limited Monarchy

  • Jun 15, 1215

    Magna Carta

    Magna Carta
    The Magna Carta was formulated by the people of England, who forced King John of England to sign. This document was created to fix to political crisis that occurred in 1215 and to protect the rights of many citizens. This document also was one of the first challenges that the monarch faced regarding the limiting of his power.
  • Dec 14, 1241

    Establishment of Parliament

    Establishment of Parliament
    Parliament was eventually established after the king's royal council gradually developed into Parliament. Parliament is the highest legistlative authority. Over time, instead of advising the king, Parliament became the greates opposer to the king's power.
  • Charles I

    Charles I
    Charles I, the English monarch, dissolves Parliament and embarks on eleven years of personal rule. During this reign, he rules England without the support or base of Parliament. Eventually, in 1640, Charles I calls back Parliament when he loses resources and money.
  • English CIvil War begins

    English CIvil War begins
    The English Civil War was a battle between people who supported the king and people who supported Parliament. It lasted for 1640-1646. Charles I exercised the idea of absoultism and he began to tax people without their consent and attacking groups of people. When people started to revolt against him, he turned to Parliament for money. Parliament refused to give him the funds and England split and broke out into war due to Charles I's attempt at absolutism.
  • Charles I executed

    Charles I executed
    The execution of Charles I allowed a realization of the difference between Parliament and monarchy. The Parliament and the monarch both had different views on how to rule England. This was one of the first times people defeated the monarch. This event was the beginning of Parliament's climb to an equilavent position as the ruler.
  • Glorious Revolution begins

    Glorious Revolution begins
    After James II came to throne, there were several people who disliked him as their monarch. Parliament obtained many supporters and this union allowed them to overthrow James II and replace him with William and Mary. The Glorious Rebellion was a peaceful rebellion that simply demonstrated Parliament's supremacy and its return to power.
  • William and Mary proclaimed as English Monarchs pass Bill of Rights

    William and Mary proclaimed as English Monarchs pass Bill of Rights
    William and Mary were put on the throne by Parliament. They cooperated with Parliament and signed the Bill of Rights. The Bill of Rights states the power of Parliament and the power of the people. It limited the power of the monarch and allowed an age of freedom to the people of England.