timeline for sudan

By kyshaii
  • civil war

    the first civil war breaks out between north and south.
  • sudan

    1956 - Sudan gains independence from joint British-Egyptian rule.
  • independece

    miltary took over the new Goverment.
  • civil war in the south

    civil war in the south
    Civil war breaks out in the predominately Christian region of the South.
  • new Goverment

    new Goverment
    The ‘October Revolution’ overthrows Abbud and a National Government is elected.
  • sudan

    1969 - Group of socialist and communist Sudanese military officers led by Col Jaafar Muhammad Numeiri seizes power; Col Numeiri outlines policy of autonomy for south.
  • may revolution

    may revolution
    Gaafar Mohamed Nimeiri leads the "May Revolution" military coup and becomes Prime Minister and chairman of the Revolutionary Command Council (RCC).
  • south civil war

    In the christan part of the south sudan civiln war breaks out