Timeline British History 1534-1801

  • Nov 3, 1534

    The Act of Supremacy (The Henrician Schism)

    The Act of Supremacy (The Henrician Schism)
    After being excommunicated by the Pope in 1533 because of the Act of Appeals (giving him the right to cancel his royal marriage with his first wife Catherine of Aragon) and the Act of Succession (to marry Anne Boleyn) in 1534; the King Henry VIII is now, due to the new Act of Supremacy, referred as the 'Supreme Head of the Church of England' instead of the Pope.
  • 1536

    Dissolution of the monasteries

    Dissolution of the monasteries
    One of the many consequences that followed the Act of Supremacy, is that all the small monasteries (and greater ones a few years later) had disappeared.
    It also impacted the communities, the clergy's finance and the monks and nuns thats used to live there.
  • May 19, 1536

    Anne Boleyn is beheaded!

    Anne Boleyn is beheaded!
    She was found guilty of treason and adultery.
    Henry took this opportunity to arrest and behead her :)
  • 1537

    First English version of the Bible

    First English version of the Bible
    Now that the King has become the 'Supreme Head of the Church of England', the Pope and clergy see their authority diminished, and their powers and influence transferred to the King. Thus, a permission is given in 1537 to translate the Bible in english instead of latin.
    One of the consequences is that the Bible becomes more approachable for public reading.
  • Period: 1545 to 1563

    Council of Trent

    The Roman Catholic church attempted to correct some of the abuses of the church and condemned protestant heresies.
  • Jan 28, 1547

    Death Henry VIII

    Death Henry VIII
    King Henry VIII is dead in the city of London at the palace of Whitehall, from natural causes.
    His throne is bequeathed to his only son by the age of 15: Edward VI.
  • 1549

    Publication of the Book of Common Prayer

    Publication of the Book of Common Prayer
    The publication of this book is one of the Protestant mesures under Edward VI.
    The book describe the prayers and is a temporary compromise between reformers and conservatives.
    However, it banned Roman Catholic practices and with it statues and stained glass.
  • Jul 6, 1553

    Death of Edward VI

    Death of Edward VI
    Edward VI was 15 years old when he died because of the tuberculosis.
    • looks like he's gonna tell mom you disrespected him
  • Oct 1, 1553

    Bloody Mary the First Bloody Queen of Bloody England

    Bloody Mary the First Bloody Queen of Bloody England
    Daughter of Henry VIII and Catherine of
    Aragon, Mary I Tudor becomes the first Queen of England the first of October 1553, no longer after her half-brother died.
    She is crowned at Westminster Abbey as she was 37 years old. She is determined to restore Catholicism (which she does in 18 months) and was nicknamed "Bloody Mary" due to the 200 Protestants that she sent to the stake under her short reign.
  • Period: 1555 to 1558

    Protestants were burned alive under Bloody Mary's reign!

    Over 200 protestants 'herectics' were sent to the stake under the reign of Queen Mary I, between 1555 and 1558.
    This period gave to Mary his famous nickname "Bloody Mary".
  • Nov 17, 1558

    Death of Bloody Mary

    Death of Bloody Mary
  • 1559

    The Act of Supremacy

    The Act of Supremacy
    It abolished the authority of the Pope, restored the authority of the Queen over the Church...
    Queen Elizabeth became “Supreme Governor of the Church of England.
  • 1559

    The Act of Uniformity

    The Act of Uniformity
    This Act set out the groundwork for the Elizabethan church.
  • Jan 15, 1559

    Enters the Virgin Queen

    Enters the Virgin Queen
  • Period: 1563 to 1571

    The 39 articles of Faith

    It settles a new ecclesiology, a new doctrine of Salvation and a new definition of sacraments and of the mass. Plus, it is still in use today.
  • 1567

    James I become King of Scotland

    James I become King of Scotland
    James was proclaimed King of Scotland in 1567.
  • 1568

    Mary Queen of Scots and the Civil War

    Mary Queen of Scots and the Civil War
    Mary was involved in a civil war in
    Scotland. She had to flee to England.
  • 1569

    The Northern Rebellion

    The Northern Rebellion
    Also known as Rising of the North, was an unsuccessful attempt by Catholic nobles from Northern England to depose Queen Elizabeth I and replace her with Mary Queen of Scots.
  • 1570

    Pope Pius V excommunicates Elizabeth

    Pope Pius V excommunicates Elizabeth
    The Pope called Elizabeth “The So-Called Queen” and “a heretic favouring heretics”! (That's not nice P.P)
  • 1571

    The Treason Act

    This Act is a respond to the Queen being excommunicated by the Pope.
    It makes it treason for anyone to say that Elizabeth was not the true Queen of England and Wales.
  • Period: 1577 to

    163 persons arrested and killed during repression in 26 years

    By Protestant authorities
  • 1581

    The 1581 Act

    The 1581 Act
    Act to retain the Queen’s Majesty’s Subjects in their due Obedience. It participates to the repression of the Catholics.
  • The Babington plot

    The Babington plot
    Catholics wanted to kill Elizabeth to replace her by Mary Stuart.
  • The execution of Mary Queen of Scots

    The execution of Mary Queen of Scots
    Oopsi Doopsi, she unfortunately was a threat for the legitimacy of the Queen Elizabeth being queen.
    So she is beheaded in 1587 in Fotheringham Castle.
  • The Defeat of the Spanish Armada

    The Defeat of the Spanish Armada
  • Speech to the troops at Tilbury

    Speech to the troops at Tilbury
    Speech where the Two Body Theory is spoken.
    Elizabeth made this speech in Tilbury, Essex, to rally the troops who were preparing to repel the invasion of the Spanish Armada. “I know I have the body of a weak woman but I have the heart and stomach of a king, and a King of England too”.
  • Death of Queen Elizabeth I

    Death of Queen Elizabeth I
  • A new King arrives for England!

    A new King arrives for England!
    James I was crowned King of England in 1603 right after Elizabeth’s death. He was Mary of Scots' son.
  • The Gunpowder Plot

    The Gunpowder Plot
    It was a conspiracy dictated by a small group of Catholics to blow up Parliament and kill James I.
  • The Great Contract

    Led financial reforms under the King's instructions.
    Howerver, the House of Commons refused to vote in favour of the Great Contract... So James dismissed Parliament.
  • Period: to

    The Thirty Years War

    Drama!! England at war with Spain and France...
  • James ask for money because of the Thirty Years War.

    James summoned a parliament in 1621 to ask for money for war.
    Parliament was not very thrilled and happy about this demand.
  • The Parliament agreed to finance the war on Spain

  • James I passed away

    James I passed away
    His successor is King Charles I.
  • Petition of Rights

    Petition of Rights
    This petition is an English constitutional document setting out specific individual protections against the state.
  • The Three Resolutions: The Speaker of the House was too stunned to speak

    The Three Resolutions: The Speaker of the House was too stunned to speak
    The Speaker of the House is being held down in his chair by MPs, because they were suspicious of the King’s religious support of Arminians and attitude towards Parliament.
  • Period: to

    The Personal Rule

    This timespan was 11 years while the King ruled without calling a parliament.
    It is also called by the historians “The Eleven Years Tyranny”
  • The Case of Burton, Prynne and Bastwick

    The Case of Burton, Prynne and Bastwick
    3 men who had written pamphlets attacking Laud were put in the pillory and their ears cut off.
  • The Try of King Charles I

    King Charles I attempted to draw the Church of Scotland which was Calvinist, into line with the Church of England which was Anglican.
  • Period: to

    The Scottish Crisis

    It was he end of the Personal Rule.
    The Civil war were caused by crises not just in England but also in Scotland and Ireland.
  • Peace Treaty

    Peace Treaty
    or "Treaty of Ripon".
    It ends second Bishops' War between the Scottish covenanters and Charles I.
  • The Long Parliament

    This Parliament was determined to remedy 11 years of grievances and wanted to ensure regular parliaments.
  • The Irish Rebellion

    The Irish Rebellion
    The Irish Rebellion was an armed revolt broke out in Ireland.
  • Militia Act

    Militia Act
    The army should be placed under the control of a general appointed by Parliament.
  • The Grand Remonstrance

    The Grand Remonstrance
    It is a document voted by Parliament after heated debates. It summarized all the wrong doing of Charles I and concluded on “revolutionary” demands.
  • Charles I against the Parliament

    Charles I against the Parliament
    King Charles I declared war on Parliament!
  • Period: to

    The First Civil War

    The victory goes to the Parliament!
    However 190 000 Englishmen died from combats or diseases (great possibilities).
  • The New Model Army

    The New Model Army
    A new army created by the Parliamentarians.
  • The Battle of Naseby

    The Battle of Naseby
  • Surrenders!

    The King and the Royalists surrendered!
  • Mutiny!

    The New Model Army seized the King!
  • Elections!

    Agreement of the People by the Army: no authority above parliament and elections!
    + The Putney Debates
  • The Alliance between the King and the Scots

    The King escaped from army custody and made an alliance with the Scots.
  • Pride's Purge

    Pride's Purge
    Colonel Pride entered the House of Commons, stopped the vote and arrested the 45 conservative leader MPs.
  • Period: to

    The Second Civil War

    Quickly followed by the execution of the King.
  • Massacre of the Irish Royalist troops and civilians in Drogheda

    Massacre of the Irish Royalist troops and civilians in Drogheda
    Also known as Wexford massacre, it is a revenge for the 1641 rumours of Irish atrocities.
  • England is now a republic!

    In March, Monarchy and House of Lords are abolished. England is declared a Commonwealth.
  • Period: to

    The Interregnum

    The timespan between 2 reigns, 2
  • Period: to

    The Commonwealth (1649-1653)

  • King Charles I EXECUTED!

    King Charles I EXECUTED!
    Charles I is executed in London
  • Cromwell defeated the Scots Army

    Cromwell defeated the Scots Army
  • Blasphemy Act

    Blasphemy Act
  • The Instrument of Government

    The Instrument of Government
    This is England’s first and only written constitution.
  • Period: to

    the Cromwellian Protectorate

  • Cromwell dissolved the Rump

    Cromwell dissolved the Rump
    He ordered the MPs to leave.
  • Bye bye Cromwell!

    Bye bye Cromwell!
    Cromwell died in 1658.
  • Charles II issued the Declaration of Breda

  • The King Restoration!

    King restored. It's the Restoration.
  • The Outbreak of Plague

  • Great Fire of London

    Great Fire of London
  • The Popish Plot

    The Popish Plot
    There is a rumour of a plot organised by the
    French to murder Charles II and replace
    him by his Catholic brother James II.
  • Period: to

    The Exclusion Crisis

    Parliament attempted to debar James II from the succession to the English throne.
    So Charles decided to dissolve it.
  • Another King dies...

    Another King dies...
    Charles II died and was succeeded by his brother James II.
  • The Glorious Revolution

    The Glorious Revolution
  • A Catholic Heir!

    James’ second wife
    gave birth to a son.
    However, this Catholic Heir become a threat to Protestantism and to parliament’s powers.
  • King William III

    King William III
    James II ran away to France and William became King William III.
  • Toleration Act

    Toleration Act
    This act stablished religious pluralism, and freedom of worship for all Protestants.
  • The Bill of Rights

    The Bill of Rights
    Text that appeared right after the Glorious Revolution.
  • The Act of Settlement

    The Act of Settlement
    This Act settled the order of succession and ensured a Protestant succession, ignoring dozens of Catholic heirs.
  • William III

    William III
    William dies. He is succeeded by Anne (who is the last Stuart monarch).
  • Act of Union between England and Scotland

    Act of Union between England and Scotland
    This is the creation of the United Kingdom of Great Britain!
  • George I succeeded to Anne

    George I succeeded to Anne
    Hanoverian House