Dark ages 1

The Dark Ages

By Toryj3
  • 476

    The Fall of Rome

    The Fall of Rome
    Rome fell because of Christianity, military problems, decadence, and monetary trouble.
  • Period: 476 to Jan 1, 1300

    The Dark Ages

    Period of time ushered by the fall Western Rome Empire.
  • Jan 1, 1066

    The Reign of King Williams the Conqueror

    The Reign of King Williams the Conqueror
    King William the Conqueror also known as William the Bastard was reign for 20 years, 8 months, and 14 days over England. In that time spand King William I is known for being brave, inspirational, and religious.
  • Oct 14, 1066

    Battle of Hastings

    Battle of Hastings
    During the Battle of Hastings Norman conquest of England. The Batlle of Hastings marks the last time an foreign invasion on the British Isles had been successful.
  • Jan 1, 1099

    The First Crusade

    The First Crusade
    The cause of the First Crusade was the war between Christians and Moslems which centered around the Holy City of Jerusalem. What also contributed to the crusade was when Jerusalem was taken by the Turks and 3000 Christians were massacred.
  • Jan 1, 1147

    The Second Crusade

    The Second Crusade
    The cause of the Second Crusade was the Fall and Massacre at Edessa, which was the Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem. Edessa was taken by the Turks, who which then, slaughtered or sold into slavery the whole entire population.
  • Jan 1, 1187

    The Capture of Jerusalem

    The Capture of Jerusalem
    After Saldin made himself the sultan of Egypt he
  • Jan 1, 1190

    The Third Crusade

    The Third Crusade
    The Third Crusade was caused by the capture of Jerusalem by Saldin, the sultan of Egypt. The Third Crusade brought the three greastest rulers of Europe together to recover the Holy City of Jeruaslem.
  • Jan 1, 1202

    The Fourth Crusade

    The Fourth Crusade
    In the Fourth Crusade they captured Constantinople insted of Jerusalem. Constantinople could no longer cope with the barbarians menacing it because it declined in strength. Later the city fell to the Turks who lust for power and greed which turned the Fourth Crusade into a political adventure.
  • Jan 1, 1212

    Children's Crusade

    Children's Crusade
    The Children's Crusade illustrated the religious enthusiasm and the misdirected zeal which marked the whole crusading movement. There was also an French and German Childeren Crusade. The Childrens Crusade marked the decline of the Crusades.
  • Jun 15, 1215

    Magna Carta Singed

    Magna Carta Singed
    The Magna Carta was written by Archbishop Stephen Langston. The Magna Carta was written to show that the power to kings can be limited to govern. King John was forced to sign and govern by the English Laws.