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    Louis XVI Calls the Estates-General

    As France came closer to Bankruptcy, the King Louis XVI made all the estates create Cahiers or notebooks. These showed the citizens anger. June of 1789 the Third Estate called themselves the National Assembly.
  • Parisians Storm the Bastille

    Parisians Storm the Bastille
    The National Assembly was meeting in Versailles, when a mob 800 strong stormed Bastille. A fight broke out and eventually the mob killed the commander and the guards
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    Divided French Society/ Financial Troubles

    France was divided into three social classes: The first was the Clergy, The second was the nobles and the third was the rest of the population. The firstand second Estate paid no taxes.
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    Threats From Abrod

    The king of Pruissa and the emperor of Austria issued the Declaration of Pilintz,
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    Civil War

    In October of 1791 the Legislative Assembly took office, working class women and men called san-culottes refused to wear breeches like the other upper-classes
  • Monarchy is abolished

    Monarchy is abolished
    A mob stormed the royal families castle, in Tuileries the mob ended up killing the kings guards
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    Terror and Danger Grip France

    Early !793 France was in war with nearby Eurpeian countries, a 12-member group called The Comittee of Public safty took over France and started spreading terror