
  • Sudan

    From the mid- 1800s, however, foreign traders encourged hostile tribal groups to raid each other for treasure including ivory and slaves.
  • Sudan

    In the early 19th century, the "Jallaba", a group of northen Muslim traders mostly from the Ja'aliyyin and Danagla tribes of the Nile valley, came in increasing numbers to southern Sudan, espacially northen Bahral Ghazal, which became an important source of slaves
  • Sudan

    Slavery in the Sahel region of Africa is hundres of years old, and Sudan was a very active participant in the slave trade until early this century. The south-western region of Bahe al-Ghazal was one of the most prominent centers of slave trading on the African conrinet in the late 19th century
  • Sudan

    In the first two decades of the 20th century the British conducted a "pacification" campaign in Sourthen Sudan and the Nuba Mountains.
  • Sudan

    In the 1920 a series of laws, the Closed Districts Ordinances placed tight controls on access to the South, the Nuba Mountians, Darfur and Souther Blue Nile, whose people -after "Pacification"- were now regarded as needing protection.
  • Sudan

    In 1947 Southern Policy was abandoned after the Juba Conference organied by the colonial government, at which Southern chiefs agreed with northen nationalists to pursue a united Sudan, and the first war bagan.
  • Sudan

    In the eyes of Southerns, "Sudaization" was effectively "Northernization." Southerners were not represented at the 1953 Cario Conference on self- rule, on the ground that they had "no party or organization.'
  • Sudan

    Second Cicil War in Sudan- Southern Soldiers mutinied rather than follow orders transferring them to the North.
  • Sudan

    Shari's Law was incorported into the government's legal system.
  • Sudan

    Economy Collaped