

  • First Continental Congress

    The Continental Congress was called in the American colonies in response to the Intolerable Acts.They composed a list of complaints they had against Great Britain which included the requeast of the removal of the Intolerable Acts and taxes.
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    American Revolution

  • The Boston Tea party

    England's unfair, "taxation without representation" led the colonists to rebel against their acts and dump the tea into tea harbor showing England that they were independent of their materials and didn't need their exports. In response to this event, the British passed the Intolerable Acts in 1774. Futhering angering colonists
  • The Declaration of Independence

    The Declaration of Independence was signed in Philadelphia which stated that America had freedom from the British empire and were no longer under British rule Thus igniting the revolution. (It wasnt until 1783 that Britian actually recognized their independence.)
  • The U.S. Constitution in full effect

    The Federal Convention, made up of representatives from each colony, revised the Articles over and over, but ultimately completely rewrote the document to frame their government and called it the Constitution.
  • French Revolt

    • Enlightnment thinkers insipre the revolution, and challenege the monocracy after failed government and debts creating monopolies on idems such as bread prices increasing signifcantly.
  • The Estates General

    Due to hge debt on wars king lois calls for the estates gerenal to fairly tx the church and nobles as a way to get out of debt, the estates however quickly decined this offer.
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    French Revolution

  • The Tennis Court Oath

    The Tennis Court Oath was established by The third Estate of France, due to their growing discontent with King Louis XVI and his preference of an absolute monarchy government. They proclaimed the beginning of representative government and a constitution that incorporates popular sovereignty.
  • The Storming of the Bastille

    Angry crowds stormed the Bastille in search of gunpowder and mobbed through the streets of Paris slaughtering many, causing disruption, and marking the start of the French Revolution.
  • The French Revolution

    The French Revolution was a period of political and social disruption in France where many of Frances different rules would be influenced by the Enlightenment.
  • The Declaration of Rights of Man & Citizen

    This document, inspired by the Declaration of Independence, was one of the most important documents of the French Revolution. It outlined equality and independence for all men under the state; excluding women and slaves.
  • Prior to Haitian Revolution

    The French Revolution greatly influenced the Haitian Revolution in the french colony of St. Domonigue. This colony produced the majority of exports of the french andbeing of the damage economy led to purchase to these crops very cheap , these crops included like sugar, rum, cotton, tobacco, and indigo.
  • Revolution begins

    The Haitian Revolution begins when a group of slaves meet and hold a voodoo ceremony, hosted by Dutty-Boukman, that represented the start of revolt.
  • The Haitian Revolution

    The Haitian Revolution was a group of slaves on the French Caribbean Island colony of Saint Domonigue launching a successful slave rebellion. They took advantage of the disunity the French Revolution was causing among the Colonial rulers. Also, a leader touusiant had told power and orginaized a miltary force and created sucess primarly for a short time until capture.
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    Haittian Revolution

  • The Reign of Terror

    The Reign of Terror lasted a year and two months, marking the climax of the French Revolution where over forty thousand people lost their lives. After all the important nobles were executed, Robespierre decided to kill all nobles and anyone who didn't agree with him; he took advantage of the fact that during this time there was no government or central power.
  • King Louis XVI's execution

    King Louis XVI was caught fleeing along with his family to Austria to try and escape the upheaval in France. He was put on trial, found guilty, and executed.
  • The Battle of Vertières

    Jean-Jaques Dessalines led the Haitian Revolution to a victorious end over the French. They adopt the red and blue flag at the Congress of Arcahaie.
  • Haiti's success

    As a direct result of the battle of Vertières, the french agreed to evacuate Haiti. Jean-Jacques Dessalines declared Haiti independent on January 1st.
  • Napoleon's Rule

    1804 marks the official of the French Revolution, but also marks the start of France under Napoleon Bonaparte's rule. He declared himself emperor of France using his military experience. He was eventually sent to Elba where he died soon after
  • Spark of Revolution

    Napoleon invaded Spain in 1808 and replaced their former king, Ferdinand VII, and made his brother Joseph the new king of Spain. This angered the creoles led them to the idea of revolution. In 1810, rebellion spread across all of Latin America.
  • The Latin American Revolutions

    The Latin American Revolutions refers to the various revolutions that took place during the 1800s that resulted in many independent countries in the Latin America region.
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    Latin revolution

  • Mexican Revolution

    The Amerindian population of central Mexico had suffered due to mining and commercial enterprises. In 1810, a priest urged everyone to revolt against the Spanish. Jose Morelos took charge of the rebellion in capturing and executing Hidalgo. Morelos was later executed by Loyalists. In 1821, Colonel was inspired by all the rebellion and declared Mexico's Independence and made himself emperoor for 2 years later, he was overthrown and Mexico became a republic.
  • Venezuelan Independence

    Venezuela declared independence in 1811. Bolivars first attempt at gaining independence was not a success, but in 1819 Bolivar marched armies into a battle and defeated the Spanish Army and were officially independent by 1821. as well as paragay later insipred.
  • Constitutional experiments

    In Latin America, constitutionalism was espoused, but inexperience with popular politics contributed to the failure of constitutions. They also found it difficult to define the political role of the church and to subordinate the army to civilian government.
  • Slavery Abloshied

    By the 1850s, most of slavery practiced was abolished. Slaves joined the Spanish American armies because they were promised freedom, but at the same time demand for plantation products in the beginning led to the increase of slave imports to Brazil and Cuba. Brazil's abolition of slavery was slower and depended on pressure from the British. By 1880, it was completely abolished in Brazil.