production schedule

  • Desk top publishing and editing your music magazine

  • case studies of real magazines

    carry out research of the magazine genre of your choice.
    analysethe cover page the layout and the double page spread as that is what is needed for my own magazine. do this for two different magazines
    also look at the audience of the magazine and the types of images layout language.
    look at who publishes the magazine
  • planning for lsc magazine

    produce pages for the college magazine using photoshop and indesign
    You need to create a front page and a contents page, and include original photography. Include the following:
    • Front cover: a medium close-up (MCU) of a student, text such as teasers and coverlines, a masthead, date, issue number, bar code, price / free. (PhotoShop)
    • Contents page: sections, images, number of pages, editor’s letter (InDesign)
  • audience feedback and evaluation for college magazine

    gather audience feedback on the magazine
    what went well and what to improve
    points for developement
  • Magazine newsstand task

    a) Go to a newsstand. look at the music magazine titles available, where and how they have been displayed, and anything you notice about the front covers, mastheads, cover lines and images. Take some pictures on phone and upload them. on your blog.
    b) Research other magazine distribution methods, which make use of other media technologies. These might include the ways in which music magazines u
  • Drafting and finalizing

    Write a short proposal for your magazine
    • Produce house style sheets for your music magazine. This should include a masthead design and layout for the front cover, contents page and DPS. Do a formal pitch of all the above bullet points,
  • Audience research task (Planning)

    Evaluate the audience feedback from the pitch from focus groups and / or survey monkey. Make any changes to your plans as per the feedback, and clearly signpost changes on your blog. This needs to be blogged on the week commencing
  • Photography (Construction)

    You need to have a minimum of four original images in the final magazine, using a range of models, mise en scene and shot types as appropriate to your chosen magazine / genre.
  • Desk top publishing and editing your music magazine

    You should use PhotoShop for the front cover and InDesign for the contents page and DPS. Do the contents page first, using your flat plan. This will inform the coverlines for the front cover, and the numbering of the DPS.

    Take print screens and annotate them on your blog throughout the process as you will be assessed on your ability to reflect on your progress and evaluate construction throughout.

    On 20th November you must show a rough draft of the three pages to the class and record their
  • Audience research- main task / music magazine

    Gather audience comments and feedback on your music magazine. This may be done in class, as a focus group, and/ or online via survey monkey. Ask the audience to comment on specific strengths and weaknesses, and how the final magazine compares to your drafts and plans.
  • Planning the Evaluation

    • In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?
    • How does your media product represent particular social groups?
    • What kind of media institution might distribute your product and why?
    • Who would be the audience
    • attract/address your audience?
    • What have you learnt about technologies of constructing the product
    • Looking backand compare to first task
  • Creating the Evaluation

    You will be marked according to how appropriate your chosen technologies are to the presentation of your answer, and how creative / interactive you are, as well as the content of your answers.
  • hand in day

    All Foundation Portfolio work must be complete and uploaded to your blog for submission to the exam board by Wednesday 21st January 2015. This includes all of the above tasks, and regular blog posts documenting your progress.