Knight fluttershy by dharthez

Medieval Europe!

By iizepic
  • 476

    Fall of Rome

    Fall of Rome
    Rome falls due to inflation and repeated invasions. Trade is disrupted causing businesses to collapse. Cities are destroyed as economic centers, leaving Rome and the rest of Europe with little money. People flee to rural areas causing a massive population shift and the decline of learning, setting the stage for the Dark Ages to come.
  • Period: 476 to Jan 1, 1350

    Mideval Timeline

  • Jan 1, 752

    Rise of Germanic Tribes

    Rise of Germanic Tribes
    Pepin the Short takes over as first King of Franks. Probably the worst royal title ever. His son, Charlemange, will grow up to have a much better title, as the first Emeror in Europe since Rome fell. Pepin is also notable for being under-average as far as height.
  • Jul 29, 1042

    Pope Urban II

    Pope Urban II
    Pope Urban II was born in 1042 in Lagery, France to the name Ortho de Lagery. He changed his name to Urban when he became Pope on March 12 1088. He is best known for initiating the crusades with his persuasive argument "Christ commands it." Urban II. Fulcher of Chartres. "Medieval Sourcebook." Fordham University, 4 Nov. 2011. web. 29 Jan. 2014. <>. Other than that, Pope Urban II really didn't do much.
  • Nov 27, 1099

    First crusade

    First crusade
    Started by Pope Urban II, the first crusade was an attempt to take back the "Holy Land" of Jeruselem from the Muslims. The Muslims were letting everyone worship there, and even encouraged it, but even so, the Christians still wanted to invade. After several unlikely victories and the finding of "the spear that pierced Christ's' side," they believed it was God's wil. Thus, fueled by religious fanaticism, took back Jeruselem. It was then taken back by the Muslims 44 years later with little effort.
  • Nov 27, 1189

    Third Crusade

    Third Crusade
    The Third Crusade is the most well known crusade. It is only well known crusade because a bunch of Kings were involed. The Third Crusade, much like its two predecessors, made it to the Holy Land, only to be completely annihilated by the Muslims and or famine/drought. This outcome pretty much sets the stage for the next nine Crusades.
  • Jan 1, 1212

    Childeren's Crusade

    Childeren's Crusade
    The Chileren's crusade was a series of crusades in which the children said "Hey, just because everyone before us died horribly, was banned by the church, or failed miserably doesn't mean that us kids can't do it!" Never had they been so wrong. Most of the kids either died on the way to see the Pope for approval, or were kidnapped and sold into slavery. Of the remaining kids, when they got to the Pope he patted them on the head, and told them to go back. The rest were kidnapped or died.
  • Jan 1, 1348

    Black Death

    Black Death
    "The victims ate lunch with their friends and dinner with their ancestors in paradise." (Boccaccio) That is just how fast the Black Death hit Europe, according to his eyewitness account. The plague was transmitted by bacteria on fleas on rats on boats from Asia. It caused severe fever-like symptoms and inflammation of the boubes in the neck and groin causing huge, pussy, black welts. This disease was made worse by the terrifying plague doctors that were less likely to cure than to kill you.
  • Period: to


  • Conclusion

    In conclusion, the intirety of the Middle Ages were an omnishambles of war and blood. This is what happens when you don't get an education. When you don't get educated, educated people do not lead. When educated people do not lead the leaders make uneducated decisions. When leaders do not make educated decisions, THE BLACK PLAUGE WIPES OUT YOUR ENTIRE CONTINENT. Stay in school kids. That is the lesson I have learned from the Mideival World.
  • Charlemagne

    Charlemagne was the first emperor in Europe since Rome fell. He established a strong lineage as the first Emperor and Agustus, as crowned by Pope Leo III on September 23 768. After his death, his son, Louis I became the first Holy Roman Emperor.