
By mervee
  • drafting snf finalazing house styles, drafts and leyouts

    write a short proposal
  • audince feedback evaluation(college magazine) planning

    gather audince to comment and feedback on oyur colegge magazine. what went well? what do i need to improve on.
  • planning the project:oroduction schedule

    produce a schedule for the foundation portio.
  • planning and research

    case studies for a real music magazines.your studies should be submitted and uploaded . they will count towards the research and planning and evaluation coursework grades.
  • college magazine

    failour to complete this task will mean that you have lost 15 marks out of a 100 for the course work.
  • magazine newstand task

    go to a supermarket and have a look at the music magazine tittle available, where and how they have been displayed.
  • draftin and finalizing house styles

    write a proposal for your magazine!
  • research and planning

  • photography (construction)

    take photos and notes , blog about it . do your photography in the studio and location.
  • rough draft

    you must show a roughdraft of the three pages to the class and record their feedback on your progress on your blog.
  • desk top publishing and editing your music magzine

    the front cover , contents page and DPS needs to be completed and uploaded to your website . you should use photoshop for the front cover and indesign. take print screens and annotate them on your blog.
  • audince resarch -main task /magazine(planning/evaluation)

    gather audince commentsband feedback on your music magzine. this may be done in class, as a focus group, and or online via survey monkey. ak the audience to comment on specific stregths and weakness and how the final magazine compares to your drafts and plans.
  • planning and evaluation

    use digital technology creativelyto present evaluation .you need to use atleast 3 creative media technologies for your 7 question.
  • creating the evaluation

    the evaluation answers needs to be uploaded to your blog by this date
  • foundation portfolio assignment

    all portfolio work must be completed an duploaded to your blog for submission to the exam board .