Long and Short Term SMART Goals

  • S - Specific (Short Term)

    S - Specific (Short Term)
    I want a part-time job.
  • M - Measurable (Short Term)

    M - Measurable (Short Term)
    I will find a part-time job that pays a minimum of $8.00/hour and allows me to work no more than 12 hours/week.
  • A - Attainable (Short Term)

    A - Attainable (Short Term)
    I will apply for 1 job per week until a job is obtained.
  • R - Realistic (Short Term)

    R - Realistic (Short Term)
    I will research job availability and average pay to make sure that these requirements fit with the jobs in Eldridge and Davenport.
  • T - Time Based (Short Term)

    T - Time Based (Short Term)
    I want to have a job by Christmas time.
  • Period: to

    Short Term Goal: Get a part-time job

  • S - Specific (Long Term)

    S - Specific (Long Term)
    I want to buy my own car.
  • M - Measurable (Long Term)

    M - Measurable (Long Term)
    I want to find a toyota corolla that is under $5000 and newer than 2008.
  • A - Attainable (Long Term)

    A - Attainable (Long Term)
    I will spend less than $40 on purchases every month.
  • R - Realistic (Long Term)

    R - Realistic (Long Term)
    I have determined that the opportunity cost of saving money for a car is more important than spending $40 per month on any extra purchases.
  • T - Time Based (Long Term)

    T - Time Based (Long Term)
    I will save money for the next 3 years.
  • Period: to

    Long Term Goal: Buy my own car