
  • born on April 28, 1996 in the city of Barrancabermeja

    born on April 28, 1996 in the city of Barrancabermeja
    was a very special day for my parents, for them I am a blessing from God
  • my baptism

    my baptism
    My family ;))
    That day was importnte because I appeared before God to protect me from all evil
  • my four years

    my four years
    Special moments with my friends♥'
    where we could have fun & share...
  • My degree of transition

    My degree of transition
    was one of my first goals accomplished!more where my relatives were very proud :))
  • my six years

    my six years
    It was a very nice in my life
  • my fifth-grade graduation

    my fifth-grade graduation
    was a goal accomplished, I am proud to do what my parents wanted...
    my second goal achieved with the help of my God :$$
  • celebrating family day

    celebrating family day
    they are my four brothers, whom I love very much and share special moments beside them♥♥
  • my 16 years

    my 16 years
    I thank God for making me so so cute!for allowing me to reach this age.
  • my confidant

    my confidant
    the child is a very special treats me very well is very special to me!He knows all of my
  • my friends

    my friends
    I have spent time with them great!are like my sisters, I learned a lot next to them.the master :)
  • I'll have my family and I will be a professional

    I'll have my family and I will be a professional
    my goal is to be a chemical engineer and be the best!