Revolution and Independences

  • From Spain to France

    Treaty ceded the western third of Hispaniola from Spain to France, which renaimed it Saint-Domingue.
  • Slavery

    The slavery was the worst in the world, around 50% of the slaves died because their body could not take that conditions. Torture of slaves who resisted was common.
  • Before 1791

    500,000 African people were enslaved by the French. Saint-Domingue was the most lucrative colony in the world.
  • French Revolution

    The slaves of Haiti found out about the French Revolution and they started demanding the human rights, and that they should be treated equal.
  • Revolt

    The slaves' revolt. They revolted 200 years later because they created their "slave culture" and became to share the same interests.
  • Start of the Revolution

    The black slaves rebelled against their owners. They killed the whites and destroyed the plantations.
  • After 1791

    Toussaint L'Ouverture was the leader of the revolution. He was self-educated and was a former slave. He fought againt the French, British, and Spanish troops.
  • Victory for L'Ouverture

    He forced the British troops to withdraw and defeated the French army when they came to reconquiscate.
  • Slavery again?

    L'Ouverture joined with the Spanish armies and manage to defeat the French. When he got the victory he started having economic problems and again put people to work like slaves in crops.
  • Loussiana Purchase

    The Haitian Revolution helped the Loussiana Purchase.
  • Jean-Jacques Dessalines' revolt

    Haitians killed all the Europeans and French killed all blacks. French died of fever and Haiti wins the war.
  • L'Ouverture's end

    L'Ouverure dies in prison.
  • Independence

    Napoleon recalls his army and Haiti wins it's independence.
  • Revolution against Spain

    A catholic priest named Miguel Hidalgo used the Enlightenment ideals to declare a revolution against Spain.
  • Creoles' switch

    The Creoles switched sides and joined the revolt against Spain.
  • Independence of Mexico

    Spain granted Mexico its independence and a new republic was formed.
  • Revolution in Spain

    A revolution allowed Creoles to declare their independence and Agustín de Iturbide named himself emperor of Mexico.
  • Monroe Doctrine

    The United States wanted to protect Latin America so the president James Monroe made the Monroe Doctrine that stated that Latin America is off limits.
  • Iturbide overthrown

    Agustín de Iturbide was overthrown and Mexico became a democratic republic.
  • South America

    By this year all South America was freed with independence by José de San Martín
  • Feared by others

    Many other countries feared the Haitian Revolution. The US refused to recognized the Haitian Independence until 1862.
  • Today's view

    The Haitian Independence is celebrated today as one of the most democratic revolutions ever. However, Haiti is one of the poorest countries.