Graduation Timeline


    On this day I will take the PSAT to practice for the actually SAT to take it a second to get a better grade than I did the first time.
  • Final Exam

    Final Exam
    I will pass all of my 11th-grade final exams and pass the 11th grade. I will do so by paying attention all year and retaining the information from all of my classes to use on my exams
  • First day of Senior Year

    First day of Senior Year
    Attend my first day of senior year to feel out my classes and how I like them
  • Midterm

    I will pass all my senior midterms to do great on my first semester. I will achieve this by studying and preapring for them

    I will be successful in passing all my exams to complete my senior year. I will study hard and look over everything I learned to be able to apply the knowledge I have obtained.
  • SMART GOAL/ Graduation DAY

    SMART GOAL/ Graduation DAY
    I will graduate high school from Roxboro Community School on May 29th, 2020 by continuously working hard in school. I will study and pass all of my exams and complete all graduation requirements. I will successful complete all these events to accomplish this goal.