Eugene delacroix la liberte guidant le people 1830 2epjmc2 e1620056511848

French Revolution

  • Jacques Necker Hired as Financial Minister

    Jacques Necker Hired as Financial Minister
    King Louis XVI hires Jacques Necker to manage French finances. He used loans to help fund France's debt and used high-interest rates instead of raising taxes.
  • Flour Cost Skyrocket

    Flour Cost Skyrocket
    People began to get hungry during the revolution, and because the French diet was made up of mostly bread costs rose as demand rose.
  • Call for Estates General

    Call for Estates General
    King Louis XVI called for the Estates-General, a meeting that consisted of representatives from the 3 estates. This meeting was called to discuss financial problems.
  • 3rd Estate is Locked Out of Estates-General

    3rd Estate is Locked Out of Estates-General
    King Louis XVI saw the anger that the 3rd estate harbored because of the unfair balance of votes and was threatened. His solution was to lock them out of the Estates-General.
  • Jacque Necker Fired

    Jacque Necker Fired
    Jacque Necker was fired as the King blamed him for the situation in france worsening. He was beloved by the people so this did not bode well.
  • Storming of The Bastille

    Storming of The Bastille
    An angry mob of citizens stormed the Bastille in search of weapons and gun powder to aid the revolution. The heads of the guards were paraded on pikes around the city.
  • Declaration of The Rights of Man

    Declaration of The Rights of Man
    The Declaration of The Rights of Man was drafted. This document stated the rights citizens believed they deserved "men are born and remain free and equal in rights".
  • March of Versailles/Women’s March

    March of Versailles/Women’s March
    Concerned by the rising bread prices and angered by the lack of rights for women included in the "declaration of the rights of man", women stormed the palace of Versailles in search of Queen Marie Antoinette.
  • Declaration of War on Austria

    Declaration of War on Austria
    After Austria refused to recall their troops from the French border. France declared war on them. This was also because Marie Antoinette was Austrian.
  • Period: to

    Prussia takes Verdun

    After gaining victory in the Battle of Verdun Prussia took Verdun.
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    September Massacres

    The many murderous riots that occurred in Paris, such as the killing of more than 1,000 prisoners.
  • Trail of King Louis XVI

    Trail of King Louis XVI
  • Corday Kills Marat

    Corday Kills Marat
  • Period: to

    Reign of Terror

  • Marie Antoinette Execution

    Marie Antoinette Execution
  • Festival of the Supreme Being

    Festival of the Supreme Being
    A festival that celebrated the ideals of the Cult of the Supreme Being, founded by Maximilien Robespierre. At which Robespierre stood upon a hill above the citizens of Paris like a god.
  • Robespierre Attempts Suicide

    Robespierre Attempts Suicide
    Maximilien Robespierre is found with a bullet in his jaw, believed to be a failed suicide attempt, which left him mute.
  • Robespierre is Executed

    Robespierre is Executed
    After making radical threats in a speech Maximilien Robespierre is arrested and later executed via guillotine.
  • Napoleon Takes Control of France

    Napoleon Takes Control of France
    Napoleon is crowned emperor of France. This began the dictatorship of Napoleon Bonaparte. As he took over territories he put his family members in control of those areas creating an empire. He will eventually be excited.