Revolucion francesa

French Revolution.

  • General States.

    General States.
    Due to the need for a tax reform, the King Luis XVI summoned the States-General to get the approval of new taxes.
  • National Parliament

    National Parliament
    The third satate left the General-States, and they formed a National Parliament which represented the people to directed their country and created a constitution.
  • King´s treachery.

    King´s treachery.
    The King Luis XVI summoned nearly countries for placate the revolution with excuse of "If people get the power, the same happens in your countries"
  • The constituent gathering.

    The constituent gathering.
    The National gathering became the constituent gathering, during this period feudal privileges were abolished, became law equality between rich and poor people.
  • First constitucion.

    First constitucion.
    They presented the first draft of the constitution, which states that the sovereignty resided in the village. The absolutism finished.
  • Kings´ death.

    Kings´ death.
    King was arrested for trying to ran away and conspiracy against his country. France braked the Prussian army. The kings were executed.
  • Coup d´etat.

    Coup d´etat.
    The heavy economic situation in France and the massive use of the guillotine led a coup d´etat that overthrew the Jacobins of power.
  • Napoleón Bonaparte.

    Napoleón Bonaparte.
    Napoleon supported with the military on the coup d´etat 18 Brumaire, and formed the Napoleonic empire.