King xvi

French Rev. Timeline

  • Enraged Workres Vandalised There Enplores homes

    Enraged Workres Vandalised There Enplores homes
    It started a huge riat that stated the revalution
  • After France falls into financial difficulties following the war, King Louis XVI senses the rising trouble and tries to stem it before it can grow any further.

     After France falls into financial difficulties following the war, King Louis XVI senses the rising trouble and tries to stem it before it can grow any further.
    This is the first time the Estates-General has been called in almost 180 years, since 1614.
  • The angry mobs stormed the Bastille

    The angry mobs stormed the Bastille
    wepons were stoed insidethis was the 2nd publick opisiton agenst the king
  • The Third Estate forms the National Assembly, an independent group "of the People."

    The Third Estate forms the National Assembly, an independent group "of the People."
  • The Rights of man & citizens is made

    The Rights of man & citizens is made
    Inspired the decration of independence, and are both for fredom
  • The newest Civil Constitution of the Clergy forces the papacy of the First Estate to swear their primary allegiance to the king, not to religion

    The newest Civil Constitution of the Clergy forces the papacy of the First Estate to swear their primary allegiance to the king, not to religion
    The church is also to give its currently owned lands to the state, thus beginning the secularization of france
  • King Louis XVI and his family attempt to flee to Austria to escape the upheaval in France

    King Louis XVI and his family attempt to flee to Austria to escape the upheaval in France
    but are recognized and intercepted at the border and placed under house arrest for attempting to abandon their country.
  • After being put on trial in August of 1792, on January 17 King Louis XVI is condemned to death

    After being put on trial in August of 1792, on January 17 King Louis XVI is condemned to death
    King Louis XVI is condemned to death on charges of "conspiracy against liberty." He is executed by guillotine on January 21
  • The most violent era in the French Revolution begins as a massive political battle between the two factions, the Jacobins and the Girondins.

    The most violent era in the French Revolution begins as a massive political battle between the two factions, the Jacobins and the Girondins.
    Thousands of people were sentenced to death by execution during this period, and thousands more were killed during in surges of violence.
  • The Directory, created by a new constitution, assumes the role of governing France

    The Directory, created by a new constitution, assumes the role of governing France
    November 10, 1799, when it is overthrown by Napolean Bonaparte. During its reign of government, it only held legislative power.