Fahrenheit 451

  • Montag Meets Clarisse

    While Montag is on a walk he meets a very outgoing girl whose name is Clarisse.
  • Overdose

    Mildred overdoses on drugs, trying to commit suicide.
  • Mechanical Dog

    Montag is curious why the dog attacks him alot. When Montag opens the cage the hound attacks him and Montag has to run for out, escaping the hound that tried to kill him.
  • Montag Has Books

    Montag arrives home after burning a house and sneaking a book back with him. He shows Mildred all of the books he hid in the vent. He shows Mildred his collection of books and Mildred is dissaponted. The hound comes and searches the door smelling the door, frightening Montag.
  • Montag and Faber Meet

    Montag, in all this confusion and chaos, remembers a man named Faber who gave him his card. He went to find Faber and bribed him with a bible. They decide to put a book in every firemens house to frame each of them. They want to rebel against the society that is occuring.
  • Montag Listens to The Seashell

    Montag listens to the seashell that is avilable and hears that there has been a killing and other firemen are coming to find him.
  • Montag Sees Faber

    Insinctively Montag goes to Faber's house scared. Montag knew that there would be hounds chasing him and knowing his scent. He tells Faber exactly what to do to stop the scent from being on him or his clothes. Montag runs away with dirty clothes and a will to live.
  • Mildred Turns in Montag for His Collection of Books

    When Faber spies on the firemen through Montag Beatty says that there is a job for them to do. Montag, sitting in the back doesn't realize that it his house. Once they arrive Mildred comes runnning out and gets into a car fleeing away from what's about to happen. Montag is forced to burn his house. Beatty then threatens to go after Faber but Montag doesn't accept this and burns Beatty alive, Putting Montag on he run.
  • Montag Runs to the Tracks

    Montag escapes into the river and lays there waiting for himself to hit land. Finally he does and he meets a group of people who were also in his situation. They all read books and even wrote them.
  • An Innocent Person Gets Accused

    The fugitives including Montag watch the firemen chase him. They can't find him and kill an innocent person walking the night and say that the threat of Montag is gone.
  • Bombing

    Montag hears jets race over him. He realizes that it is bad and sees the city get bombed and is sad for Faber and Cklarisse but not Mildred because he never really loved her. He continues with the fugitives and lives his life with them.