Fahrenheit 451

By heycat
  • Hound Dog

    Page 30
    Montag claims that the Hound does not like him. The Hound is a robotic-like dog that is used to find people that have books. The Hound does not like Montag because he knows that Montag has books.
  • Clarisse and Montag

    Page 32
    Clarisse begins to walk Montag home every night after his late night firefighting job. The two start to bond and share ideas about the law of burning books. The sudden weather pattern symbolized their connection because it was "strong, mild, and calm".
  • More destruction

    Page 34
    There is more destruction in the world because of the law of burning books. Society begins to have educated disadvantages with limited laws. Responsibilities became unimportant because it was not considered fun.
  • Questioning

    Page 38
    Montag questions the job of being a firefighter. He doesn't believe that burning books and people are right. Other firefighters believe that "you weren't hurting anyone, you were hurting only things!".
  • Woman's House

    Page 42
    Montag and the group of firefighters raid a woman's house to find multiple books that she maintained. The firefighters burned the books and the woman because she refused to leave. She was emotionally connected to her books and would not let them go. She believed that life without her books would mean nothing.
  • Mildred's Personality

    Page 47
    Montag asks Mildred where they first met just to test how much she cared about their relationship. She replied by saying that she didn't remember and that, "it doesn't matter" (47) which shows that she was quite careless about her connection with Montag.
  • Captain Beatty

    Page 56
    Captain Beatty arrives at Montag's house to lecture him about the importance of his occupation as a firefighter. He says that books are full of nonsense and that they would not benefit anyone in any shape or form. He encourages the use of technology because it provides faster information and allows more time for socializing. It is considered more "fun" to have entertainment time. He mentions that by having no books in the world, people considered smart are looked down upon.
  • Montag's Confession

    Page 70
    After Captain Beatty leaves Montag's house, Montag confesses to Mildred about is secet stash of books. He says that he has books because it helps to solve the questions as to why their relationship is weak, why Mildred constantly overdoses on medication, and the mysteries of Montag's car and work.
  • The Beginning

    Page 72
    Montag ends chapter one by speaking to Mildred and saying "We'll start over again at the beginning" (72) which he was referring to the contents of the book he was reading. This scene is significant because the contents of the book represent the laws of burning books. Montag wanted to start over in the beginning where books were not illegal.