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F451 timeline

  • Page 4

    Page 4
    Montag meets Calrisse, and creates a bases for the whole story.
  • Montag and Fabers plan to destroy society, PG 85

    Montag and Fabers plan to destroy society, PG 85
    Montag and Faber decide to create a plan that will destory all of society from the inside out. Faber is the brains of the operation, while Montag is the hands.
  • Montags house,PG 110

    The fire engine reaches Montags house.However Monatg is told to burn everything by himself, but if he burns anything he will lose his memory.
  • Mildred has an overdose, PG 13

    Mildred has an overdose, PG 13
    Mildred was found unconscios with a empty bottle of pills laying on the floor.
  • The suicide

    The suicide
    An old lady gets attetntion from the fire crew, and she is threatned to get all of her books burnt. Instead of gaving the books burnt she kills herself with the books, and burns to death.
  • Beatty prosecutes Montag

    Beatty prosecutes Montag
    Beatty calls the firemen to Montags house. Montag is forced to set his house on fire as well as his books.
  • Nuclear bomb, PG 158

    Nuclear bomb, PG 158
    Montags city gets blown up by a nuclear bomb that ended all of society