
  • Debt

    By 1789 King Louis XVI was using half of the tax money to repay the government debt.
  • Estates General

    Estates General
    King Louis the XVI calls the Estates General in France and they list the complaints the people they represent have.
  • Rights

    The Declaration of the Rights of Man was established. It said that men had equal rights and were free. It also said they had the natural rights to liberty, property, security, and resistance to oppression.
  • Three Estates

    Three Estates
    In France the people started to be divided into three different groups: the First, Second, and Third Estates. The first were the Clergy, the second the nobles, and the third the peasants and the bourgeisie. This separation went on for a long while.
  • Period: to

    Moderate National Assembly Phase

    This phase turned France into a constitutional monarchy.
  • Wallpaper Factory Riot

    Wallpaper Factory Riot
    The owner of the Paris Wallpaper Factory was planning to cut the worker's wages. The poor people were furious and took up arms.
  • Tennis Court Oath

    Tennis Court Oath
    The Third Estate agreed to stay in the tennis court at Versailles until they could come up with a constitution and give peasants more rights.
  • Storming the Bastille

    Storming the Bastille
    Parisians heard rumors that weapons were being kept in the Bastille. They found no weapons and released a handful of prisoners kept there.
  • Ending Privelages

    Ending Privelages
    The National Assembly voted to end their own privelages because of peasant uprisings and the storming of the Bastille. They gave equality to all male citizens before the law.
  • Church under Control

    Church under Control
    The Civil Constitution of the Clergy was put into action. The National Assembly put the church under state control. The members were elected and salaried.
  • The King Escapes

    The King Escapes
    The king tried to escape from Paris. The people caught him when we was close to the edge of the country.
  • Declaration of Pillnitz

    Declaration of Pillnitz
    The king of Prussia and the emperor of Austria issued the Declaration of Pilnitz. The document stated their threats to intervene to protect the French government.
  • Constitution

    The National Assembly produced a constitution and set up a limited monarchy.
  • Legislative Assembly

    Legislative Assembly
    The Legislative Assembly took office, but it lasted less than a year.
  • Women March

    Women March
    The Women marched from Paris to Versailles. They didn't leave until they could see the king and take him back to Paris.
  • Period: to

    Radical Phase

    Escalating violence let to the end of monarchy and Reign of Terror.
  • War of Words

    War of Words
    The war of words between French revolutionaries and European monarchs became physical.
  • Royal Palace Stormed

    Royal Palace Stormed
    A crowd of Parisians stormed the royal palace of the Tuileries and killed the king's guards. The royal family fled before the mob could find them.
  • September Massacre

    September Massacre
    Citizens in Paris attacked prisons that held political prisoners. About 1,200 prisoners were killed.
  • Execution

    The kind was executed in a public square in Paris. His wife was executed in October of that year.
  • Anthem

    By 1793 France was a nation in arms and had made it's national anthem called "La Marseillaise".
  • Period: to

    Reign of Terror

    The Reign of Terror began in France with Robespierre as the leader.
  • End of Robespierre

    End of Robespierre
    Robespierre wes arrested by the Committee of Public Safety. He was executed the next day.
  • Third Constitution

    Third Constitution
    The Third Constitution was made. It set up a five-man Directory and a two-house legislature elected by male citizens who owned property.
  • Period: to


    A period of reaction against extremism.
  • Election

    The next election took place. The majority of the new seats in the legislature were made up of supporters of constitutional monarchy.
  • French Revolution

    French Revolution
    By 1799 the ten year old French Revolution had dislodged old social order, overthrew the monarchy, and brought the church under state control.
  • Period: to

    Age of Napoleon

    Many revolutionary changes took place.