A Timeline of My Life

  • My First Years: Ages 0-5

    I was born on September 21st, 2004 in Thousand Oaks, California. My family includes my parents and my older sister who is 6 years older than me. My family was more of an Authoritarian Family when I was younger, than as I gradually got older it started becoming more of a Democratic Family and I got a lot more freedom.
  • I Learned To Talk: Jean Piaget's Theory

    I Learned To Talk: Jean Piaget's Theory
    Jean Piaget's theory of cognitive development has 4 stages and in this event I am going through the first stage called sensorimotor. During this stage, a child develops a very simple understanding of language and can speak very uncomplicated demands such as "Ba-ba" which means bottle or "da-da" which means dad.
  • I Learned How To Walk: Piaget's Theory

    This event displays Piaget's theory because in stage one of his theory it explains the sensorimotor stage in which a child learns his coordination of senses with motor response. Or in other words, a child learns how to crawl, walk, and run.
  • My Start at School: Piaget's Theory

    My Start at School: Piaget's Theory
    My start at school at 2 years old connects to Piaget's theory of cognitive development of a child, because at 2 years old it is in-between the theory's stages of sensorimotor and preoperational development. It marks the end of the stage sensorimotor in which I developed object permanence, created a coordination of senses with motor responses, and used language for demands and cataloguing. And at 2 years old, it marks the beginning of the preoperational stage of development in Piaget's theory.
  • My Childhood Experience: Ages 5-10

  • I Graduated Kindergarten: Kohlberg's Theory

    My graduation of kindergarten connects to Kohlberg's theory of moral development through the third stage in his theory, interpersonal relationships. During early grade school, a child bases what is right and what is wrong through the appeal of what pleases others. My graduation is an example of this because graduating kindergarten made me realize that doing well in school was what appealed to my parents. So I decided getting good grades was the right thing to do.
  • Made My First Friends: Kohlberg's Theory

    Made My First Friends: Kohlberg's Theory
    Making my first friends connects to the level of interpersonal relationships in Kohlberg's theory of moral development. The theory states in early grade school, a child decides what is right and what it wrong through what pleases others. When I made my first friends I realized how my choices impacted my relationships with them and decided that being nice was the right thing to do since it pleased my friends and my family.
  • First Time I Got All A's In School: Piaget's Theory

    This event correlates with the third stage of Piaget's theory, concrete operational, which is between the ages of 7-11. It states that a child starts to understand concepts attached to concrete situations. During 4th grade, I started to understand slightly harder concepts and got the grasp of time, space, and quantity. Additionally, I was starting to understand math, language, and science a lot more easier and began to familiarize myself with a multitude of topics.
  • My Teenage Years: Years 10-20

  • Graduated Middle School: Piaget's Theory

    Graduated Middle School: Piaget's Theory
    In stage four of Piaget's theory of cognitive development, formal operational, it states that people over the age of 12 will develop theoretical, hypothetical, and counterfactual thinking, abstract logic and reasoning, and will learn to strategize and plan. This is connected to when I graduated Middle School, because I started to understand complex concepts in mostly language and history. I suddenly became more aware of myself and started to have a better mindset and think more strategically.
  • Making New Close Friends In High School: Erikson's Theory

    Erikson's theory of the psychosocial stages of development and the stage of Identity and Gender Roles connects to this specific event because I realized parts of my identity through the close friendships that I made in high-school. When I made new friends in high-school, I started to be aware of my identity and who I was as a person because of them. This caused me to try to become a better friend and a nicer person. In addition, I realized my gender role as a male and how that is important.
  • Getting Into The University of Pennsylvania: Marcia's Theory

    Getting Into The University of Pennsylvania: Marcia's Theory
    Marcia's theory of identity states and the stage of identity moratorium is connected to this event because college is going to make go through an identity crisis and will allow me to explore alternatives in a healthy way. In identity moratorium, one is exploring alternatives of beliefs and breaking away from morals. I can explore this through the alternate beliefs my teachers and classmates have. Because of this, I will go through an identity crisis and re-examine my old values.
  • Becoming An Adult: Years 20-30

  • Graduated College: Marcia's Theory

    Marcia's theory of identity states and the state of identity of achievement connects to this event because by the time that I have graduated college I will have made a commitment to a sense of identity and will have explored alternatives in a healthy way. I will have already went through an identity crisis and will gain more self-esteem, better critical thinking, and better moral reasoning because of it.
  • Getting A Job As A School Psychologist: Kohlberg's Theory

    This event relates to Kohlberg's theory of moral reasoning through the level of universal ethics and principles in adulthood. This level states that decision on what is right and what is wrong are based on deeply held principles, and deeply held moral beliefs. By becoming a psychologist, I am following the values and principles to decide that becoming a psychologist is something that is morally right and something that I want to do.
  • Getting Married: Erikson's Theory

    Getting Married: Erikson's Theory
    Getting married directly connects to the Intimacy vs. Isolation stage in Erikson's theory of the psychosocial stages of development. By getting married, it shows that I am choosing intimacy over isolation
  • The Full Adult Experience: Years 30-40

  • Moving Into A House In Oregon: Erikson's Theory

    This relates to Erikson's theory of the psychosocial stages of development and the stage of Intimacy vs. Isolation because by moving into a house with my wife, I am choosing to have an intimate relationships with someone instead of choosing to live isolated and by myself.
  • Having Two Children: Erikson's Theory

    Having Two Children: Erikson's Theory
    Erikson's theory of the psychosocial stages of development and the stage of Intimacy vs. Isolation relates to this event because by having children it directly shows that I am choosing intimacy over isolation. Having a family proves that I have chose intimacy over isolation because I am surrounding myself with people I love instead of being isolated and by myself.
  • Traveling The World With My Family: Erikson's Theory

    Traveling The World With My Family: Erikson's Theory
    Traveling the world with my family displays Intimacy vs. Isolation once again because I am choosing to further my relationships and go places that I have always wanted to and travel with people who I will always love. It shows that I am willing to go anywhere with my family and will further my love for all of them.
  • The Middle of the Road: Years 40-50

  • Write a Best Selling Book: Erikson's Theory

    Write a Best Selling Book: Erikson's Theory
    Erikson's theory of the psychosocial stages of development and the stage of Generation vs. Stagnation is connected to this event because I wrote a book that will help and assist a large amount of people. Doing this displays, that I have developed generation over stagnation because I did something that benefitted this world and will leave behind something great that I made.
  • Become An Experimental Psychologist: Piaget's Theory

    Piaget's Theory of the stages of cognitive development relates to this event because of the stage of formal operational. This event shows the stage of formal operation because by becoming an experimental psychologist it shows that I have a complete and full understanding of complex concepts and I mastered the ability of theoretical, hypothetical, and counterfactual thinking.
  • Create A Non-Profit Charity Organization: Erikson's Theory

    Erikson's theory of the psychosocial stages of development and the stage of Generation vs. Stagnation relates to his event because by creating a charity that will benefit and assist people in need, I will leave a mark that makes the world a better. This correlates to Generation vs. Stagnation because generation refers to caring for the world and making a mark that benefits humanity.
  • The Beginning of Late Adulthood: Years 50-60

  • Start Teaching Psychology: Kohlberg's Theory

    Teaching psychology connects to Kohlberg's theory of moral reasoning through the stage of Universal Ethics and Principles in adulthood. This stage presents that principles and deeply held moral beliefs are what decides between right and wrong in adulthood. For me, deciding to become a psychology teacher at a university is what I think is right because I believe that helping others fulfill their goals is morally right and a key principle.
  • Become A Mentor: Kohlberg's Theory

    During my time teaching, I would like to become a mentor to some of my students and help assist them with psychology. This also connects to the stage of Universal Ethics and Principles of Kohlberg's theory of moral reasoning because personally advising and guiding someone to help become who they want to be is an ethical principles that I developed.
  • Become a Great Artist: Erikson's Theory

    Become a Great Artist: Erikson's Theory
    Creating paintings and drawings will help leave behind my life, thoughts, and ideas in an artistic expression. This connects to the stage of Generation vs. Stagnation in Erikson's theory of the psychosocial stages of development because I am leaving a mark in the world with my drawing and painting depicting my ideas and thoughts that I had throughout my life. I believe that many people could be inspired through these artworks and it might motivate people to express their own ideas.
  • Becoming a Senior: Years 60-70

  • Help Create Schools Around the World: Erikson's Theory

    Near the end of my life, I want to help create schools, whether that be online or in person, that gives education for people who do not have access to a source of learning. This also connects to Erikson's theory of the psychosocial stages of development and moreover the stage of Generation vs. Stagnation because it displays that I chose generation over stagnation my care for the world and my care for generations after me.
  • Work at a Charity: Erikson's Theory

    Work at a Charity: Erikson's Theory
    Working at a charity directly connects to the stage of Generation vs. Stagnation in Erikson's theory of the psychosocial stages of development because I am once showing that I am choosing generation over stagnation. Generation is when one shows in adulthood that they have care for the world and the people around them. While on the other hand, stagnation shows that one is self-centered and inconsiderate in adulthood. Through working in a charity, I am showing that I care for the people and need.
  • Become a Grandfather: Erikson's Theory

    Becoming a grandfather connects to the stage of Integrity vs. Despair in Erikson's theory of the psychosocial stages of development. In the stage of Integrity vs. Despair, an elder will either feel proud of their life (integrity) or view their life as meaningless and pointless (despair). When I become a grandfather, I will feel proud of my children and be satisfied that I was a good parent to them.
  • Elderly Adventures: Years 70-80

  • Retire: Erikson's Theory

    Retirement is connected to the stage of Integrity vs. Despair in Erikson's theory of the psychosocial stages of development. The stage of Integrity states that one is having a positive reflection of their life compared to the stage of despair in which someone views their life as meaningless. Through retirement, I am going to reflect on my life and be satisfied with of all my accomplishments and I am going to be very proud of my children and wife.
  • Write an Autobiography: Erikson's Theory

    Writing an autobiography highlights the stage of Integrity vs. Despair in Erikson's theory. Writing an autobiography will make me look back at all the events through my life and help me realize the meaning and purpose in my life. I can create meaning through my children, my friends, and my family while realizing that I should be proud of all things that I have done.
  • Teach at Different Countries: Kohlberg's Theory

    Teach at Different Countries: Kohlberg's Theory
    Spreading knowledge across different countries exemplifies the stage of Universal Ethics and Principles in Kohlberg's theory of moral reasoning. The last level of universal ethics and principles states that an adult decides what is right and what it wrong through his or her own principles, and deeply held moral beliefs. Through teaching at different countries, I am showing my beliefs that everyone should have access to education not matter their circumstance.
  • The Last Decade: Years 80-90

  • Have A Party With My Friends and My Family: Erikson's Theory

    Having a party connects to the stage of Integrity vs. Despair in Erikson's theory of the psychosocial stages of development. Having a party at this stage of my life is a celebration of me, my friends, and my family. This connects to integrity because I am acknowledging and celebrating mine and others life.
  • Visit All My Friends And Family

    Visiting my friends and family near the end of my life symbolize the love and appreciation of the people closest to me. This connects to Integrity vs. Despair because I reflect on the close relationships that I have built with other people and appreciate all that they have done for me.
  • Travel the World One Last Time: Erikson's Theory

    Lastly, traveling the world for the last one represents the stage of Integrity vs. Despair in Erikson's theory because I will look back on all my accomplishments, all my friends, all my family, and will be overfilled with pride, happiness, and gratitude.