Unit 2 Timeline AP U.S. History

  • James I becomes King of England

    James I becomes King of England
    James I was born June 19, 1566 in Scotland and he died March 27, 1625 in England. He was king of Scotland (as James VI) from 1567 to 1625 and first Stuart king of England from 1603 to 1625, who styled himself “king of Great Britain.” James was a strong advocate of royal absolutism, and his conflicts with an increasingly self-assertive Parliament set the stage for the rebellion against his successor, Charles I.
  • Spain & England sign a Peace Treaty

    Spain & England sign a Peace Treaty
    The Treaty of London, signed on 18 August of 1604, concluded the nineteen-year Anglo-Spanish War. The negotiations took place at Somerset House in London and are sometimes known as the Somerset House Conference.
  • First Africans arrive in Jamestown & Virginia House of Burgesses established

    First Africans arrive in Jamestown & Virginia House of Burgesses established
    Virginia's first Africans arrived at Point Comfort, on the James River , late in August 1619. There, "20 and odd Negroes" from the English ship White Lion were sold in exchange for food and some were transported to Jamestown, where they were sold again, likely into slavery
  • Large-scale slave-labor system established in English West Indies

    The system was established and refined on Barbados, which became the richest colony in the West Indies in 1625. The exportation of indentured servants, exiles from Scotland, England and Ireland provided the tobacco and cotton plantations with a labor force. The planters developed a sugar mono culture based on the expropriation of labor from slaves from Africa. The Barbados Act of 1661 introduced Jamaica and Antigua, South Carolina, Virginia and Maryland to adopt similar slave codes.
  • Act of Toleration in Maryland Charles I Beheaded; Cromwell Rules England

    Act of Toleration in Maryland Charles I Beheaded; Cromwell Rules England
    The Maryland Toleration Act, was a law mandating religious tolerance for Trinitarian Christians. It was passed on April 21, by the assembly of the Maryland colony, in St. Mary's City. King Charles I is beheaded for treason on January 30. Charles offended his Protestant subjects by marrying Henrietta Maria, a Catholic French princess. Cromwell was an English military and political leader, served as Lord Protector of the Commonwealth of England, Scotland, and Ireland from 1653 until his death.
  • Tuscarora War in North Carolina

    Tuscarora War in North Carolina
    The Tuscarora War was a fought between colonists and settlers and various indigenous tribes in the area of North Carolina (North and South Carolina were one colony until 1729) The Tuscarora tribe were forced to leave the area to escape from the colonists and settled in New York.