English History time line

By lipt5
  • James I takes the throne

    James I takes the throne in 1603 for king of england.
  • Charles I signs the Petition of Right

    Charles signs the petiton of rights in 1628. In this document it tells what the common people wanted. They mainly wanted long standing rights for them
  • Charles I faces rebellion in Scotland

    As king Charles has to face a rebellion from Scotland around 1637. The reason this whole rebellion start was becasue by catholics fearing the invasion of anti-catholics.
  • English Civil War

    The civil started over the disagreements between king and the parliament. So the war was fought by those two sides and eventally led to the death of Charles I
  • Charles I is tried for treason and hanged

    After the Civil war was over and the parliament won. they tried him treason and the cost of that was death so they hung him.
  • Oliver Cromwell abolishes Parliament

    After charles II power ended he abolishes the parliament. He did this so he become more powerful within the state and lower the power of the nobles
  • Oliver Cromwell invades Ireland

    Oliver had to invade ireland in order to keep the rebeillon down so he sent in some of his troops came and took down the rebeillon pretty easily.
  • Charles II is restored to the throne

    After Oliver fails Charles regains the power of england. He brings back the parliament, but still is able to keep the nobles weak enough.
  • Habeas Corpus is passed

    The habeas Corpus was a new document passed in 1679. It was used to protect people not to harm temseleves in the judical system
  • James II comes to the throne

    After Charles time at has passed, the government needed to bring in a good ruler. So they decided to bring back James son and see how he does as ruler of england.
  • Glorious Revolution occurs

    Is When they overthrew King James from being king. Which then brought the parliment all the power until they needed to find a king.
  • English Bill of Rights is signed

    This set of laws was signed in 1689. This rights were used to help out citzens and also to limit and check the power of the monarch so he couldnt do whatever he wanted