the french revolution

  • louis XVI became king

    louis XVI became king
    when he became king france was facing many problems. government had huge national debt and he has to raise taxes
  • Period: to

    the french revolution

  • estates general meeting

    estates general meeting
    this is when the estates general meeting opened at versailles
  • the 3rd estate declared themselves to be the national assembly and took the tennis court oath

    the 3rd estate declared themselves to be the national assembly and took the tennis court oath
    never to seperate. will meet till constitution is written
  • storming the bastille

    storming the bastille
    the paris mob broke into the bastille prison and was looking for weapons.
    this was the begining of the french revolution.
  • the national assembly issued the declaration of the rights of man

    the national assembly issued the declaration of the rights of man
  • loius XVI and his family tried to flee france but were arressted

    loius XVI and his family tried to flee france but were arressted
  • the national convention held their first meeting

    the national convention held their first meeting
  • king loius XVI sentenced to the guillotine

    king loius XVI sentenced to the guillotine
  • the reign of terror begins

    the reign of terror begins
    court sentenced 20,000 to 40,000 people to death
  • robespierre was beheaded.

    robespierre was beheaded.
    reign of terror ends
  • a new constitution was adopted

    a new constitution was adopted
    the directory is established
  • the directory fell and ended the french revolution.

    the directory fell and ended the french revolution.
    napolean bonaparte takes control of the french government