
French Revolution

  • financial troubles

    financial troubles
    who: Louis XIV and Louis XVI
    what: the time when there was financial troubles
    where: France
    when: the 1700's
    why: was a mushrooming financial crisis
    how: when the government spends to much money
  • Louis XVI calls the estates-general

    Louis XVI calls the estates-general
    who: Lousi XVI
    what: the time when Louis XVI calls for the estates-general
    where: France
    when: May 1789-June 1789
    why: France tottered on the verge of bankruptcy
    how: spending the money that they didnt have
  • parisans storm the bastille

    parisans storm the bastille
    who: Louis XVI
    where: the city of Paris
    when: July 14, 1789
    why: people wanted gunpowder and weapons
    how: the attacked Bastille
  • national assembly acts

    national assembly acts
    who: Louis XVI
    what:the storming of the Bastille
    where: Bastille
    when: August 4-October 5
    why: peasants uprising
    how: nobles voted to end their own privileges
  • threats from abroad

    threats from abroad
    who: Louis XVI
    what: the failed escape of Louis XVI
    where: France
    when: August 1791
    why:Louis tried to escape but failed
  • civil war

    civil war
    what: radicals fight for power and declar wat
    where: Paris
    when: october 1791
    why: people wanted power
    how: they fought
  • monarchy is abolished

    monarchy is abolished
    who: Louis XVI
    what: the period when the monarchy is abolished
    where: France
    when: August 10, 1792
    why: tensions lead to violance
  • Robespierre and the Reign of terror

    Robespierre and the Reign of terror
    who: Robespierre
    what: his reign of terror
    when: early 1793
    why: danger threatened all of France
    how: the country was at war
  • spread of nationalism

    spread of nationalism
    who: French people
    what: a strong sense of national identity
    where: France
    when: 1793
    why: revolution and war
    how: a strong feeling of pride
  • third stage of the revolution

    who: Napoleon
    what: when the revolution enters the third stage
    where: France
    when: 1795-1799
    why:its the reaction of the terror
    how: it entered the third stage