World History

  • 100

    Trans-Saharan Trade 500 B.C.E

    Trans-Saharan Trade 500 B.C.E
    North Africans began to bring gold to the south. The journey would eventully become easier with camels.
  • 500

    Ghana Begins

    Ghana Begins
    It arose in the Sahel. It eventully spread to the Senegal and Niger river.
  • 570

    Muhammad's Birth

    Muhammad's Birth
    Muhammad tought the faith of Islam. This was one of the major religions of the world.
  • May 31, 750

    The Flourishing of Islamic Civilization

    The Flourishing of Islamic Civilization
    It started in 750 and went to 1250 C.E. As muslims built great cities and spread knowledge and ideas.
  • Jun 27, 1215

    the Magnicarta

    the Magnicarta
    Angry nobles forced a meeting with King Henry. At this meeting they forced hin to sign the Magnicarta which means great charter.
  • May 30, 1240

    Rise of Mali

    Rise of Mali
    The Mande take control over Kumbi. They begin to build and empire called Mali.
  • May 29, 1346

    The Bubonic Plauge

    The Bubonic Plauge
    The Bubonic plauge first strikes Europe. It continued every decade into the fifthteenth century.
  • May 29, 1517

    The 95 theses

    The 95 theses
    Martin Luther sent preachers around the world to bring him indulgences. Thesse indulgences were known as the 95 Theses.
  • May 31, 1530


    Martin Luther starts a new denomination of christianity. This denomination was known as Luthernism.
  • May 31, 1534


    King Henry the eighth seperates from the catholic church. Leading to the devolpement of the english state region of Anglicanism.
  • May 31, 1536


    John Calvin publishes his book,Institutes of the Christian Religion. Which led to the founding of Calvinism.
  • May 30, 1545

    The council of Trent

    The council of Trent
    Pope Paul the third called together the church leaders. They did this to fight the coruption of the church.
  • The defeat of the last Roman army

    The defeat of the last Roman army
    A young warrior Known as Clovis became the leader of the franks in 481 C.E. He led the battle in which they defeated the last Roman army.
  • Christianity

    In 313 C.E the Roman empire persucuted christians for their beliefs. But in 395 C.E. the Roman empire decided that christianity was their official religion.
  • Song Dynasty

    Song Dynasty
    The empire rose in 960 and fell in 1279. During the dynasty agricultural improvements, increased food production.