One handed catch

Period three review

  • 330

    Byzantine Empire Rise 300 (R and P in Europe)

    The Byzantine Empire helped spread Christianity and was started by Constantine.
  • 400

    Indian Ocean Trade Route (Economic in E Africa)

    This trade route sent ivory, gold, and salt from E Africa to S Asia.
  • 400

    Silk Road in Asia (PERSIA in S and E Asia)

    The Silk Road was a trade route between Europe and Asia that traveled through the Middle East. It brought European technology to Asia and Chinese technology to Europe. Many different empires controlled it and it influenced the time period greatly
  • 570

    Muhammad's Life (Religious in Middle East)

    Muhammad was a merchant who started Islam. After taking Mecca, he expanded the Caliphate until he died.
  • 581

    The Sui Dynasty: 581-618 (Political in East Asia)

    The Sui started the Grand Canal and unified china after a 350 period of disunion. It fell because of lack of leadership.
  • Nov 4, 618

    Rise of the Tang Dynasty (Political in East Asia)

    The Tang had a major influence on Korea, Japan, and Vietnam.
  • Nov 4, 622

    The Hijra (Religious and Political in The Middle east)

    The Hijra sparked an increase in Islam and ended up ending to the retaking of Mecca by Muhammad.
  • Nov 4, 632

    Muhammad Death (Religious in Middle East)

    The death of Muhammad created a conflict in the Islamic world that lead to a split between Sunni and Shia.
  • Nov 8, 690

    Song Dynasty: 690-1279 (Political in East Asia)

    Technological advancements like Gunpowder,Bombs, grenades, cannons, mechanical clock, paper money, and the magnetic compass were developed during the Song.
  • Nov 8, 700

    The Swahili City States 700-1400 (Political in E Africa)

    Many trading states along the African coast that traded on the Indian Ocean Sea Trade routes. They were organised into city states.
  • Nov 8, 750

    The Abbasid Caliphate: 750-1238 (Political in the Middle East)

    Under the Abbasid, art and literature flourished. Many math and astronomy advancements were made as well.
  • Nov 8, 750

    Umayyad Caliphate fall (Political in Europe)

    Caliphate established after the death of Muhammad. It fell because of revolts within the empire. After it ended, the Abbasid began.
  • Nov 8, 800

    Xuanzang travels: 800s (Religious in S Asia)

    Xuangzang traveled to India to learn more about Buddhism and returned to China to tell what he had discovered.
  • Nov 4, 907

    The Tang Empire Decline(Political in East Asia)

    After the death of their emperor, nomad invasion, and peasant revolts, the Tang dynasty fell
  • Nov 8, 1000

    Kingdom of Ghana: 1000-1400 (Political in W Africa)

    Became very wealthy by controlling trade routes of gold and salt. This also lead to its fall when gold was no longer available.
  • Nov 8, 1053

    The Great Schism (Religious in Europe)

    The divide between Christianity which lead to the creation of Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox Christianity.
  • Nov 8, 1095

    The Crusades: 1095 – 1291 (Political and Religious in Europe)

    European kings tried many times to take back the Holy Land from Muslims. They were started by Pope Urban the II and lead to an increased power to kings in Europe.
  • Nov 8, 1200

    Empire of Mali Rise:1200 (Political in W Africa)

    Created by muslims in present day Sudan that played an importand role in gold trade
  • Nov 8, 1200

    The Black Death in China (PERSIA in E Asia)

    The Mongols trade lead to 1/3 of East Asia dying from the black death.
  • Nov 8, 1210

    Delhi Sultanate Seizes Control: 1210 (Political in S Asia)

    Islamic invaders took control of Hindu majority in India.
  • Nov 8, 1211

    Mongol Conquests Begin:1211 (Political in E Asia)

    The Mongols increased trade and governed a large and diverse empire very well. They also helped Chinese and European cultures interact better.
  • Aug 18, 1227

    Genghis Khan Death (Political in East Asia)

    Genghis Khan was the leader of the Mongols and spread the empire greatly. After his death, the empire was broken into many parts.
  • Nov 8, 1300

    Kingdom of Kongo: 1300-1600 (Political in W Africa)

    An agricultural empire in Africa that was influenced by the Bantu.
  • Nov 8, 1300

    Renaissance Begins (PERSIA in Europe)

    Sparked intellectual and artistic advancements in Europe. Started in Italy.
  • Nov 8, 1300

    Black Death in Europe (PERSIA in Europe)

    Trade with Asia brought the black death to Europe and killed 1/3 of the population.
  • Nov 8, 1303

    Life of Ibn Battuta: 1303-1369 (Intellectual in W Africa)

    Traveled through the Muslim world and wrote about what he encountered on his journeys.
  • Nov 8, 1400

    Empire of Mali Fall: 1400 (Political in W Africa)

    After Mansa Munsa Died, the kingdom fell apart from lack of strong leadership.
  • Nov 8, 1453

    Byzantine Empire Fall (P and R in Europe)

    The Ottoman Empire took control of Constantinople, ending the Byzantine Empire.
  • Nov 8, 1526

    Delhi Sultanate End: 1526 (Political in S Asia)

    The Sultanate ended because of multiple slave revolts by the Hindu majority.
  • Silk Road in Europe (PERSIA in Europe)

    The Silk Road was a trade route between Europe and Asia that traveled through the Middle East. It brought European technology to Asia and Chinese technology to Europe. Many different empires controlled it and it influenced the time period greatly.