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AP World History Timeline

  • Period: 618 to 1279

    The Tang and Song Dynasties

    After the fall of the Sui Dynasty, the Tang Dynasty arose in 618CE and brought stability, geographical expansion, and other developments to the Chinese Empire.The Tang Dynasty had a strong start but it eventually became weak.Although the Tang Dynasty overcame the devastation, they never recovered leading to the fall of the dynasty in 907CE.The Song Dynasty started in 960CE and it was a time where the arts advanced and new technology was adopted, like paper money until the Dynasty ended in 1279.
  • Period: 750 to 1250

    Abbasid Caliphate

    The Abbasid Caliphate is considered “The Islamic Golden Age” and they overthrew the Umayyad Caliphate and then took control of Baghdad from 750 to 1250 CE. Because of Baghdad's central location, trade was a major part of the Abbasid Caliphates economy. There were many technological developments such as astrolabes and dhows that were invented during this time. Education, Architecture and Art were also advanced during the rule of the Abbasid Caliphate.
  • Period: 800 to 1400

    Feudalism in Europe

    Feudalism is a system where Kings are in control of the country and grant fiefs to lords and nobles in exchange for protection. The lords and nobles would then give a portion of the land to the Knights who were actually the ones protecting the king and the peasants became serfs and worked on the land. After the fall of the Roman Empire people, especially those of the higher class needed protection. Feudalism brought a new type of government that was not very united.
  • Period: 1200 to 1572

    Mesoamerican Empires

    The Aztecs were based in Mexico and they formed their capital in Tenochtitlan which is now called Mexico City. They lived in a swampy area which led them to be skilled in agriculture and architecture. They also developed a tribute system so they could assert their dominance and gain more power. The Incas were located in Andes mountains and they worshiped the sun god and believed heavily in sacrifices. When the spanish arrived in their land they killed off most of the Incan population by 1572.
  • Period: 1200 to 1400

    Mali Empire

    The Mali Empire was located in Western Africa along the Niger River because it allowed for easier trade. Sundiata Keita was the ruler who formed the Empire however the control of the government was divided into sections for seperate people to run certain areas. Although the Mali Empire was created before Mansa Musa came to power it did Succeed until he was in control. Islam was a large part of the culture of the Mali Empire, as well as agriculture and Farming.
  • Period: 1206 to 1294

    Mongol Empire

    The Mongol Empire began as a relatively small group of nomadic people in search of wealth and trade, created by Genghis Khan. The Mongols gained control of the silk road and as they attracted trade they wanted to keep the peace. The time period that the Mongols reigned was also referred to as the Pax Mongolica because they kept the peace by exerting force onto other empires and tribes. The Mongols grew their technology and sciences while maintaining a strong force and committing brutal attacks.
  • Period: 1210 to 1526

    Delhi Sultanate

    The Delhi Sultanate was created by the Asian Islamic Turks and they conquered northern India which is now called Pakistan. The people of the Delhi Sultanate Practiced Sharia and used the Quran. The Indians belonging to the land that they controlled were not forced to convert to Islam however, if they did not convert they were forced to pay a tax called Jizya. In the 16th century the Mughals overthrew the Sultanate and formed the Mughal Empire in India.
  • Period: 1271 to 1368

    Yuan Dynasty

    While Kublai Khan had control over the Mongol Empire he formed the Yuan Dynasty as a way to defeat the Song dynasty. Not only did agriculture and trade increase in the Yuan Dynasty but so did chinese arts and literature. At the time, Marco Polo started his travels as he visited China for the first time. Kublai Khan didn't support the Chinese but he let them implement some of their culture in the dynasty. However, he got rid of the civil service exam and they tried to conquer Japan but failed.
  • Period: 1300 to

    European Renaissance

    The European Renaissance was a cultural rebirth of art and learning as the world transitioned from ancient to modern. There were many new technologies that allowed for easier navigation and another one of the major inventions that allowed literature to be printed in larger amounts was the printing press.Art during this time was influenced by classical art and also Greek and Roman techniques. One of the main ideas that was established and supported by many during the renaissance era was humanism.
  • Period: 1300 to

    Ottoman Empire

    The Ottoman Empire was the largest of the Islamic Empire and they had very strong forces as well as a strong trading system. The majority of the people in the Ottoman Empire were Sunni Muslims and people who were not Muslims or were peasants were heavily taxed. Janissaries were a group of elite people in the Ottoman army and they had the most power in terms of the social classes. Although the Sultans were the people in control of the Empire, they began to lose their power over time.
  • Period: 1342 to 1353

    Bubonic Plague

    The Bubonic Plague was a deadly disease that started in China and spread rapidly through the Silk road. People had a week left to live after they started showing symptoms which were dark swellings on the body. ¼ - ⅓ of the population died, as a result people lost faith in the Catholic Church because the priests started charging people for their services. Flagellants were people who whipped themselves to show God that they were sorry for their sins because they believed God caused the Plague.
  • Period: 1368 to

    Ming Dynasty

    Zhu Yuanzhang was a buddhist monk belonging to a poor peasant family that overthrew the Yuan Dynasty in 1368 and later formed the Ming Dynasty in the same year. The Ming Dynasty brought back the civil Service exam and overall established better schooling. The dress and names deriving from the Mongols were heavily discouraged and it was highly stressed that everyone follow confucianism. Yongle was the third emperor of the Ming Dynasty and he sent Zheng He on voyages around the world.
  • Period: 1400 to

    Atlantic Slave Trade

    The Atlantic Slave trade was the transfer of enslaved Africans from Africa to the Americas. A triangular trade system developed across the Atlantic ocean and European goods were sent to west Africa, enslaved Africans were sent to the Americas, and then American tobacco and other cash crops were sent to Europe. The Africans brought cultural and musical influences such as gumbo and the banjo. The slave trade grew the amount of crops in Africa and led them to having luxury goods.
  • Period: 1415 to

    Portuguese Trading Post Empire

    The Portuguese had strong ships and advanced weapons which helped them gain control of the African and Indian Coasts. Portugal set up forts that acted as trading posts along the territories they wanted to gain power over. When the Portuguese first arrived in China they didn't have a large effect on Chinese society, however the missionaries that diffused to China after they did. Even though Portugal had a strong force, they were a very small...
  • Period: 1450 to

    Age of Exploration

    The age of exploration was caused because of the new navigation technology, the desire for Asian goods and because they wanted direct trade with Asia. Prince Henry started Portugal exploration by leading them to find a trade route to Asia. They ended up traveling around Africa and setting up trading posts on the Indian coast. Vasco de gama was the first one to sail to India in 1498. In 1492 Columbus traveled across the Atlantic ocean and in 1520 the spanish started colonizing the new world.
  • Period: 1492 to

    Spanish Colonial Empire

    Spain’s first organized system in the new world was called the encomienda system which resembled the feudal system that in Europe. The spanish discovered large deposits of Silver which led to that being Spain’s largest export during the colonial era. Silver was a well desired good that people wanted to trade for. When the Spanish came in contact with the Native Americans they gave them diseases and spread Catholsism.The Spanish also used the mita system to excerpt control over local populations.
  • Period: 1517 to

    The Reformation

    The reformation started with Martin Luther challenging the catholic church because at the time they were supporting indulgences. Indulgences were the things that people advertised that would supposedly free them from their sins. During this time the printing press had just been invented and that is what Martin Luther used to print the 95 Theses which he nailed to church doors. The reformation was an act of trying to fix the corruption of the Catholic church and restore the faith of the people.
  • Period: 1556 to

    Mughal Empire

    The Mughal Empire took control of many parts of India and enforced Muslim rule. The empire relied on its military and the expansion of their land. Babur was the founder of the empire, he created a central government over time Zamindars developed a successful tax collection system. The Taj Mahal was created during this time and other forms of art were also popular. Akbar was a very influential leader as he defeated Hindu armies, trade flourished during his reign and he encouraged learning.
  • Period: to

    Tokugawa Shogunate

    The tokugawa shogunate is also known as the Edo period because it brought peace and stability to Japan. The shoguns would appoint the daimyõs and to keep the daimyōs loyal they would take one of their relatives hostage. The shoguns had no tolerance towards Christian missionaries and they would kill them. Agriculture increased as they began to grow more crops, especially rice. The arts and literature flourished as new forms of poetry(Haikus) and new forms of theatre(Kabuki) we’re introduced.
  • Period: to

    Qing Dynasty

    During the early to mid 17th century, the Machu people led a revolt against the Ming Dynasty and they Conquered the Chinese capital, Beijing. The Qing Dynasty had a very strong culture and if people did not dress or have their hair a specific way, they were executed. The Qing Dynasty practiced isolationism but they allowed limited trade with the Europeans in the city of Canton. The 4th emperor, Qianlong expanded China’s territory to the west into Central Asia, killing thousands in the process.
  • Period: to

    The Enlightenment

    The Enlightenment was a time in which new ideas were formed around nature and human rights. There were many writers and philosophers that emerged and developed their ideas that not only challenged old traditions but also religion. During the time there was an absolute monarchy in place, meaning that a king was in complete control of the people and country. Some of the main ideas to come from this time were the separation of powers, the social contract, secularism, and deism.
  • Period: to

    Industrial Revolution

    The industrial Revolution began in Britain and then spread to other countries. In the early 1700s Britain was very rural but they had all the factors of production and lots of natural resources, which is why industrialization began there. The positives of the industrial revolution were that the goods were made faster and cheaper, technology was advancing and there was more specialization of labor. The negatives were child labor, poor work conditions, and a decreased life expectancy.
  • Period: to

    American Revolution

    The colonies were under Great Britain's control and the colonists were being heavily taxed, but they didn't want taxation without representation.The 13 colonies wanted independence from the British government, which led them to form a democratic government, led by the people.On July 4th, 1776 the declaration of Independence was approved and it stated the philosophy behind the patriots fight with the British troops.The colonies won their independence from Britain with the Treaty of Paris in 1783.
  • Period: to

    French Revolution

    Louis XIV led France to spending more money than they were bringing in, which was one of the main causes of the French Revolution.They held an Estates-General meeting to address financial concerns. The first and second estates consisted of very small portions of the population that didn't have to pay taxes. The third estate made up a large part of the population, but they had taxation.It was introduced that a National Assembly should be created and each member of the estates should have a vote.
  • Period: to

    Haitian Revolutions

    In Haiti, slaves that escaped revolted against the plantation owners by killing them and burning down their houses. In 1791 Toussaint L’Ouverture, a former slave led a rebellion against slavery. He also took control of present day Haiti and produced a constitution granting equality and citizenship for all residents. He worked with France to allow Haiti to have independence, but France betrayed him by capturing and executing him.
  • Period: to

    Tanzimat Reforms

    The Tanzimat Reforms were Reforms after Mahmud and translated that means reorganization. The reforms were inspired by ideas that derived from the enlightenment era and they were mainly focused around the military and education. A secular system of schools was introduced and thousands of schools were established. Although the Tanzimat Reforms were beneficial to men, they had little to no effect on women Because they weren't in the army, they didn't work, and they didn't have a high education.
  • Period: to

    Opium Wars

    The British East India company was trading China for opium, but when the Chinese put a ban on opium, Britain said it was a threat to their economy. The British then started a war to protect their rights to sell opium in China. The lack of forces and the Treaty of Nanjing caused China to lose, forcing them to allow Britain to trade opium and Hong Kong also became a territory of Britain. Other European powers also started to take control of the trade in China.
  • Period: to

    Taiping Rebellion

    The Taiping Rebellion was a rebellion against the Qing emperor because he was actually Manchu not Chinese.Hong Xiuquan was the leader of the rebellion and he claimed to be the younger brother of Jesus.He wanted to form a new Christian kingdom in Asia by building an army against the Qing.In 1853 they took control of Nanjing, making it the capital city, but with the help of Britain and France, the Qing Dynasty tried to win back Nanjing.Millions of people were killed during the Taiping Rebellion.
  • Period: to

    Sepoy Mutiny

    The Sepoy Mutiny was a rebellion against British rule in India, it started because the cartridges of rifles were greased with pork and beef fat. Hindus view the cows as sacred and Muslims don't believe in slaughtering pigs.Their troops were angry and thought that the British were trying to convert them to Christianity. The British had a forceful response, leading to the death of thousands of Indian Soldiers.The Sepoy Mutiny also led the British to having more of an active role in the government.
  • Period: to

    Meiji Revolution

    The Meiji Revolution started after the collapse of the Tokugawa Shogunate and the power was restored to the empire. The first emperor of the Meiji era was Mutsuhito and he wanted to abolish feudalism. He also wanted to reorganize Japan into districts rather than provinces that were not directly run by the emperor during the Tokugawa Shogunate. He incorporates new reforms that were influenced by the industrialization in the west. During his reign as emporer, education flourished.
  • Period: to

    Scramble for Africa

    The Scramble for Africa was the colonization of Africa by European forces. There were a lot of raw materials in Africa such as rubber, palm oil, ivory, tin, cotton, gold, and diamonds. Rubber was used to make tires and factory belts and the palm oil was used for machinery. Competition grew between European powers over who would get what territory and resources. The Scramble for Africa led to the Berlin Conference because the European powers formed rivalries over the division of Africa.
  • Period: to

    Berlin Conference

    The Berlin Conference was a meeting between European powers with the goal of deciding the future of Africa. The wanted to set rules for establishing colonies in Africa. At the conference Africa was also divided up between European powers, however there were not any African representatives at the meeting.