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Timeline Assignment

  • 2600 BCE

    Mayan City States

    The Classic Period, which began around A.D. 250, was the golden age of the Maya Empire. In Mayan city-states religion most gods represented a form in nature, the Mayans were known for their calendars and astronomical buildings which were used during their religious rituals. The maya developed a complex understanding of astronomy.
  • 1478 BCE

    The Inquisition- 1478 AD

    he Inquisition was a group of institutions within the government system of the Catholic Church whose aim was to combat heresy. The church established a tribunal called the Inquisition to try persons accused of being heretics.
  • 1453 BCE

    100 Years War End

    The succession of conflicts known as the Hundred Years War ended on October 19th, 1453, when Bordeaux surrendered, leaving Calais as the last English possession in France.
  • 1428 BCE

    Aztec Empire

    the Aztecs were famous for their agriculture, cultivating all available land, introducing irrigation, draining swamps, and creating artificial islands in the lakes.
  • 1405 BCE

    Voyages of Zheng He- 1405 AD

    the Chinese imperial eunuch Zheng He led seven ocean expeditions for the Ming emperor that are unmatched in world history. Zheng He was made commander of the Treasure Fleet and set sail for Calicut to purchase spices
  • 1368 BCE

    Ming Dynasty- 1368 AD

    This movement was led by Zhu Yuanzhang, who took control of China and named himself Emperor Hongwu. The Ming’s most well known accomplishments which make them significant involve helping in the construction of the Great Wall of China.
  • 1345 BCE

    Black Death Began Spreading

    The Black Death was one of the most devastating pandemics in human history, resulting in the deaths of an estimated 75 to 200 million people in Eurasia and peaking in Europe from 1346 to 1353.
  • 1337 BCE

    100 Years War- 1337 AD

    The Hundred Years' War was a long struggle between England and France over succession to the French throne, it lasted from 1337 to 1453. War ended on October 19th, 1453, when Bordeaux surrendered, leaving Calais as the last English possession in France.
  • 1325 BCE

    Tenochtitlán Established

    Was home to thousands of people. According to ancient accounts one of these Aztec groups, known as the Mexica, founded Tenochtitlán in 1325. Territory controlled by Tenochtitlán and its allies grew, and the city became the center of a new empire
  • 1300 BCE

    High Middle Ages End

    The High Middle Ages were a time of tremendous growth in Europe. The foundations of Europe. Between about 900 to 1300, Europe experienced one of the longest periods of sustained growth in human history.
  • 1300 BCE

    Pax Mongolica

    The resulting period of peace, international trade, and economic and cultural prosperity is known to historians as the Pax Mongolica, which translates to 'the Mongol Peace.
  • 1279 BCE

    Yuan Dynasty

    Yuan dynasty, Wade-Giles romanization Yüan, also called Mongol dynasty, dynasty established by Mongol nomads that ruled portions and eventually all of China.
  • 1236 BCE

    Parliament Established

    The first English Parliament was made in 1215, with the creation and the signing of the Magna Carta, which established the rights of barons--who were wealthy landowners--to serve as consultants to the king on governmental matters in his Great Council
  • 1215 BCE

    Magna Carta

    Noblemen of the England in 1215 proposed a bill that would limit the king’s absolute power which would keep him from doing whatever he wanted. It was significant as it was the first time royal authority officially became subject to the law, instead of reigning above it
  • 1206 BCE

    Mongol Empire

    The empire unified the nomadic Mongol and Turkic tribes of historical Mongolia under the leadership of Genghis Khan, who was proclaimed ruler of all Mongols in 1206. The empire grew rapidly under his rule and then under his descendants, who sent invasions in every direction.
  • 1200 BCE

    Inca Empire First Appearance

    The Inca first appeared in what is today southeastern Peru during the 12th century A.D. The Inca Empire was the largest empire in pre-Columbian America, and perhaps the largest empire in the world during the early 16th century.
  • 1095 BCE

    Beginning of Crusades

    The Crusades were a series of religious wars sanctioned by the Latin Church in the medieval period. The most commonly known Crusades are the campaigns in the Eastern Mediterranean aimed at recovering the Holy Land from Islamic rule.
  • 1066 BCE

    William the Conqueror takes England

    William built a large fleet and invaded England in September 1066, decisively defeating and killing Harold at the Battle of Hastings on 14 October 1066. After further military efforts William was crowned king on Christmas Day 1066, in London.
  • 1056 BCE

    Byzantine Empire

    The Byzantine Empire was certainly a Christian state. It was the first empire in the world to be founded not only on worldly power, but also on the authority of the Church.
  • 1054 BCE

    Great Schism between Catholics and Eastern Orthodox

    Charlemagne's crowning made the Byzantine Emperor redundant, and relations between the East and the West deteriorated until a formal split occurred in 1054. This event was significant because the Eastern Church became the Greek Orthodox Church by severing all ties with Rome and the Roman Catholic Church
  • 1000 BCE

    High Middle Ages

    The High Middle Ages were a time of tremendous growth in Europe. The foundations of Europe as it is known today were set.
  • 960 BCE

    Song Dynasty Begins

    It was founded by Emperor Taizu of Song following his usurpation of the throne of Later Zhou, ending the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms period. The Song government was the first in world history to issue banknotes or true paper money nationally and the first Chinese government to establish a permanent standing navy
  • 793 BCE

    Vikings Begin Invading

    A wave of barbarian invaders came from the north in the form of the Vikings. The Vikings came from the countries we now call Sweden, Denmark, and Norway. Since the Vikings were not Christian, monasteries were favorite targets of these raiders for the loot that could be found within their walls
  • 752 BCE

    Abbasid take Baghdad

    The Abbasid caliphate first centred its government in Kufa, but in 762 the caliph Al-Mansur founded the city of Baghdad, near the Sasanian capital city of Ctesiphon. The Abbasid period was marked by reliance on Persian bureaucrats (notably the Barmakid family) to govern the territories conquered by Arab
  • 711 BCE

    Muslim’s control Spain

    In 711 Muslim forces invaded and in seven years conquered the Iberian peninsula. It became one of the great Muslim civilisations.
  • 661 BCE

    Ummyad Caliphate

    Umayyad dynasty, also spelled Omayyad, the first great Muslim dynasty to rule the empire of the Caliphate. Muawiyah became Caliph after the First Muslim Civil War.
  • 632 BCE

    Death of Muhammad

    It’s popular belief that Muhammad died due to the poisoning by a Muslim woman. He died in the evening of the twelfth of Rabi' al-Awwal at the age of sixty-three.
  • 476

    Middle Ages Begin

    Europe between the fall of Rome in 476 CE and the beginning of the Renaissance in the 14th century.
  • 605

    Grand Canal Built

    The Grand Canal is a series of waterways in eastern and northern China that link Hangzhou in Zhejiang province with Beijing. It was built to enable successive Chinese regimes to transport surplus grain from the agriculturally rich Yangtze (Chang) and Huai river valleys to feed the capital cities.
  • 610

    Muhammad’s 1st revelation

    Muhammad's first revelation was an event described in Islam as taking place in 610 AD
  • 618

    Tang Dynasty

    Chinese dynasty that succeeded the short-lived Sui dynasty, developed a successful form of government and administration on the Sui model, and stimulated a cultural and artistic flowering that amounted to a golden age.
  • 622

    The Hijrah

    Hijrah has also been applied to the emigrations of the faithful to Ethiopia and of Muhammad’s followers to Medina before the capture of Mecca.
  • 632

    Sunni/Shia Split

    A dispute over succession to Muhammad as a caliph of the Islamic community spread across the world. The Sunnis prevailed and chose a successor to be the first caliph.
  • 732

    Battle of Tours

    Was over Muslim invaders from Spain. The battlefield cannot be exactly located, but it was fought somewhere between Tours and Poitiers, in what is now west-central France.
  • 750

    Abbasid Caliphate

    he Abbasid Caliphate was the third of the Islamic caliphates to succeed the Islamic prophet Muhammad. They ruled as caliphs for most of their period from their capital in Baghdad in modern-day Iraq
  • 800

    Holy Roman Empire Begins

    The Roman Catholic Church and the Pope also had decisive role in the politics of the Empire until its final days