
Unit 7

  • Scientific revolution

    Scientific revolution
    Scientific Revolution was basically when all the sciences came out. Gravity was discovered, and there were many philosophys such as John Locke's who believed people were molded by their expieriences and the government should protect people. Spirit of laws and encyclopedia were written.
  • Period: to

    Chapter 7

    Points between 1600 and 1800 we learned about in Chapter 7 for HWH.
  • 30 years war begins

    30 years war begins
    The 30 years war began when a crowd of Protestants stormed the royal castle in Prague and threw two members of the Catholic government and their secretary out the window. None of the three people died, but this incident set in motion a series of events that stirred up Eurpope, for the next 30 years.
  • La Rochelle:Huguenots

    La Rochelle:Huguenots
    Cardinal Richelieu was a politician, known to be one of the greatest in history, he was Chief Minister of France. The Huguenots were the modernisation of the military in France. La Rochelle was a Huguenot port city. They conquered two islands that were protecting La Rochelle's sea entrances. Richelieu signed the Treaty of La Rochelle to tame the Huguenots. But the truce just gave the Huguenots more time to build their strength up.
  • English Revoluiton

    English Revoluiton
    The English Revolution was an idea of divine rights of kings. James 1 adopted this idea, which caused problems with parliament, his son, Charles, continued the conflict after James died.
  • Civil War begins

    Civil War begins
    The civil war was a series of battles between the roundheads, and the royalists. Cromwell led roundheads, they believed they fought for God. After Cromwell won, he got rid of all who didnt agree with him in parliament.
  • Absolutionism in France

    Absolutionism in France
    Louis XIII and XIV were kids when they came into power, but had people help run it for them. Louis XIV wanted people to think that he is the sun king, the source of light and life. He worked against protestants and he wanted complete control of Europe. He conducted 4 wars.
  • 30 years war ends

    30 years war ends
    The peace of Westphalia ended the 30 year war. The peace of Westphalia were a series of peace treaties. It did not create peace throughout Europe, it just ended the wars.
  • English Civil war ends

    English Civil war ends
    The Battle of Worcester was the last battle in the English Civil war. Cromwell and the Roundheads defeated the royalists.
  • Cromwell dies

    Cromwell dies
    Oliver Cromwell dismissed Parliament and established a military dictatorship after he won the war. He then soon died from lack of health. After his death, Charles 2 took his throne and restored Parliament.
  • Theory of gravity discovered

    Theory of gravity discovered
    Sir Isaac Newton is known to "discover" gravity. An apple fell from a tree, and he started thinkin about why it falls straight down, he studied this and eventually came up with the theory of gravity.
  • King Phillips War

    King Phillips War
    King Philips war was the firsy war between American colonists & Indians. It ended in New England when Philip, chief of the Wampanoag Indians, was assassinated by a Native American that was serving for the English.
  • Glorious Revolution

    Glorious Revolution
    James 2 and Charles 2 didnt get along with parliament. Parliament asked James's daughter and her husband to invade England. James gave up the throne, and it caused the crown and parliament to have equality.
  • Window tax

    Window tax
    A window tax is imposed in England, causing many shopkeepers to brick up their windows to avoid the tax.
  • The Enlightenment

    The Enlightenment
    The enlightment was a philosophical movement that focused on reason. This is when Sir Isaac newton discovered gravity when an apple fell from a tree, and John Locke stated that government should protect people. Montesque wrote the spirit of the laws.
  • Russia and Turkey peace treaty

    Russia and Turkey peace treaty
    In 1710, Russia and Turkey went to war. By the treaty of the pruth, Peter the great gave back Azov to the Turks, destroyed all Russian forteresses and then made a peace treaty in 1713.
  • New England Courant

    New England Courant
    James Franklin began publication of The New England Courant, the first American newspaper to feature humorous essays and other literary content
  • Marie-Joseph Angélique Hangjng

    Marie-Joseph Angélique Hangjng
    In Montreal in New France (Quebec), a black slave was convicted of the arson that destroyed much of the city, and was tortured and hung by the French authorities in public. She pleaded not guilty, but they did not believe her and she was sentenced to strangling and hanging until dead.
  • Montesque writes Spirit of the laws

    Montesque writes Spirit of the laws
    Montesque believed in republics for small states, despots for large states and monarchies for the middle. He wrote the spirit of the laws describes why seperating powers, checks, and balances, will keep from someone taking over or having too much control of the government.
  • 7 years war begins

    7 years war begins
    Battle between Prussia (ruled by Fredrick the great & Great Britain) and Austria, France, and Russia. The war took place in Europe, enemies colonies in N. America, and India.
  • Voltaire publishes Candide

    Voltaire publishes Candide
    Voltaire publishes Candide, a novel attacking the church and other institutiions at the time.Voltaire criticized religious beliefs of the times and throughout the entire story his criticism of religion comes up.
  • 7 years war ends

    7 years war ends
    Once Russia pulled out of the war, Prussia gained strenght and eventually became the strongest military power in Europe. Frederick was then able to push his opponents out of Prussia, causing an end to the war.
  • French Revolution

    French Revolution
    In 1787 Franch was in an economic crisis, there were shortages on all major goods, and prices were increased. The French wanted equality, the 3rd estate was angry they were the only ones paying taxes, and they always got overruled on voting situations on purpose. 3rd estate changed estates general to national assembly. demanded constitution, which they got 3 years later in 1791.
  • The Estates are formed

    The Estates are formed
    French society were divided into 3 groups (estates). The first estate was the Clergy or the staff of the church. They owned 10% of land and didn't have to pay taxes. The second estate was the nobility. They owned 25-30% of land and didnt have to pay taxes. They ran the government and military. The third estate was the common people. They owned 40% of the land, and were the largest grou-75% of population! They had to pay taxes.
  • French Revolution ends

    French Revolution ends
    The French Revolution ended by a coup against the lawful French Directory that gave Napoleon Bonaparte the position as First Consul.