Phases of the French Revolution

  • Period: to

    Economic and Financial crisis

    The main causes of the economical crisis where: bad harvests, lack of money, rise in prices..
  • The great fear

    The great fear
    The Great Fear was a period of panic aduring the early stages of the French Revolution in 1789, there was a huge different between the different social classes.
  • Enlightenment

    The middle class (the burgoise ) used Enlightenment ideas to end the kings having all the power and change how goverment and society worked during the French Revolution
  • Estates General/ Votes per Estate

    Estates General/ Votes per Estate
    There were three groups in the Estates General: the clergy,
    the nobility, and the common people.
    Each group had one vote , but most of the people that voted where in the third group.
    Because the voting system wasn't fair, the third estate left and created their own group, called the National Assembly in 1789.
  • The Tennis Court Oath

    The Tennis Court Oath
    The representatives of the 3rd estate met in the Tennis Court and declared themselves as the National Assembly. There they promised to get together and make rules for French people. This Assembly was supported by some people in Paris.
  • Storming of the Bastille

    Storming of the Bastille
    On july 14 of 1789 in Paris, the people waas afraid that the the king Louis XVI would capture the new National Assembly, that's why people ( Paris citiziens ) attacked and captured the Bastille, which was an old fortress that had been a prison in the past.
  • Declaration of the rights of Man

    Declaration of the rights of Man
    In 1789 the French National Constituent Assembly approved this declaration( document) . This document is one of the many fundamental documents of the French Revolution because it definds personal and comunity rights.
  • Period: to

    THE CONSTITUTIONAL MONARCHY: Legislative assembly

    The Legislative assembly was a group that decided France rules from 1 October 1791 to 20 September 1792 .( during the French revolution )
  • Period: to

    Girondist Convention

    The Girondist Convention was a group during the French Revolution, the wanted a fair government but not extreme like the Jacobins.
  • Period: to

    Social Republic

  • Storming of the Tuileries palace

    Storming of the Tuileries palace
    In 1792 people in Paris attacked the Tuileries palace, where King Louis XVI lived,
  • The execution of the king (Louis XVI)

    The execution of the king (Louis XVI)
    They execute the king Louis XVIin 1973 because he had a possible conspiracy against public freedom and attack against national security.

    In 1793 they lost power to the most radical group, the Jacobins, and many Girondins were arrested or executed, more or less between 16.000 and 40.000. This change made the government more extreme for a while, until the fall of jacobins happened.
  • Period: to

    Jacobin convention

    -They were the most radical bourgeois sector: they represented the demands of the common people.
    -The leader of the Jacobin Convention was Robespierre
  • Period: to

    The Terror

    It was the end of the social republic.
    The social laws were introduced and they tried to control prices, especially the food´s.
  • People in exile begin to return

    On 1794 people that were forced to leave from their home, began tu return. One big reason of this return was because the fall of the radical Jacobin government led by Maximilien Robespierre.

    The fall of the Jacobins happened because people were
    not happy with their extreme and cruel ways because they used violence for leading to conflicts and economic problems. Other gruoups didn't like them that's why on 1794 they kicked them out and that is when their extreme rule came to an end ( the fall of the jacobins ).
  • Period: to

    Conservative Republic ( the Directory )

    It included an elected legislative and an executive branch with 5 directors to avoid dictatorship.
  • CONSTITUTION ( political liberalism)

    CONSTITUTION ( political liberalism)
    It was a "document" ( a set of rules ) that followed the ideas of political liberalism. This included: protecting individual rights, promoting freedom and equality. Also having a system of government that followed these principles.
  • Coup d'etat

    Coup d'etat
    On November 10 of 1799 Napoleon Bonaparte took control in a coup, and then ending the French Revolutions government known as the Directory. After this he became
    the First Consul.
  • empire ( Napoleon's )

    Napoleon Bonaparte made the Napoleonic Empire in 1804, when he declared himself emperor.
    This caused wars with countries, like Austria, Russia, Prussia and Great Britain because they wanted to stop France from getting bigger.
  • Battle of Austerlitz

    Battle of Austerlitz
    The Battle of Austerlitz, was also called as the Battle of the Three emperors, took place near Austerlitz in the Austrian Empire ( nowadays is in the Czech Republic ).
    This Battle happened because France, led by Napoleon Bonaparte, had conflicts with the third coalition, which included Austria and Russia.
  • Russian campaing

    Russian campaing
    In 1812 Napoleon Bonaparte led a large French army into Russia, because he wanted to conquer the country and then dominate all Europe. However, the campaign ended in disaster for the French, because Russians burned down stuffs as they moved away, and when winter came the French soldier started to get sick because of the cold and that made Napoleons army weak. At the end French didn't win .
  • Battle of Waterloo

    Battle of Waterloo
    In 1815, the French army which was "directed" by Napoleon Bonaparte was defeated by the Prussian and the British armies, in the war of Waterloo. This defeat ( de defeat of the battle of Waterloo) ended the 23year war between the European and the French allied states.