
Timeline of The Great Enlightenment

  • Galileo Determines Planets Rotate Around Sun

    Galileo Determines Planets Rotate Around Sun
    Galileo determines through his invention of the telescope that the planets revolve around the sun, opposed to the earlier viewpoint that they, including the sun, revolve around earth. Galileo's work was considered anti-church, and he was sentenced to life imprisonment. The Church admitted the sentencing was a mistake in 1992.
  • 30 Years War

    30 Years War
    (1618–48) In European history, a series of wars fought by various nations for various reasons, including religious, dynastic, territorial, and commercial rivalries. Its destructive campaigns and battles occurred over most of Europe, and, when it ended with the Treaty of Westphalia in 1648, the map of Europe had been irrevocably changed.
  • Louis XIV Takes Rule of France

    Louis XIV Takes Rule of France
    Louis the XIV took over the rule of France at the death of his mentor, Mazarin. He established an image of being a Sun God, meaning all light in France came from him. He constructed the Palace at Versailles. He also attempted to remove nobles from power and worked against Protestants.
  • Peace of Westphalia

    Peace of Westphalia
    The Peace of Westphalia brought an end to the Thirty Years War. It was a pair of treaties, signed in May and October of 1648. It is known as the beginning of the modern era for many. Each state was given the right to choose its own religion. People were also given the right to follow which ever denomination of Christianity they wanted in all participating states. Many German states were given the right to choose independence. This let the decline of the Holy Roman Empire.
  • Restoration

    After Oliver Cromwell died, Charles II became king of England. Before the government was a military dictatorship, run by Cromwell. The people decided they wanted to become a monarchy again and named Charles II became king. He restored Parliament, which Cromwell dismissed indefinitely.
  • The Glorious Revolution

    The Glorious Revolution
    James II was king of England, and disliked Parliament. He was also Catholic. Parliament then asked James II's daughter to come and try to overthrow James II. They did come back and succeeded. Parliament made them king and queen, and they made the Crown and Parliament equal in power.
  • English Bill of Rights

    English Bill of Rights
    On December 16, 1689, the English Bill of Rights was passed by the English parliament. King and Queen William and Mary also had to sign it before they got their positions as so. It prevented the Crown from raising taxes without parliament’s permission. It led way to England becoming a constitutional monarchy.
  • Spanish Succession

    Spanish Succession
    Charles II of Spain lest the nation of Spain to a grandson of Louis XIV, meaning France and Spain were now joined as one nation now. The issue is that many of the people didn't like the union. England and Holland went to war to split the two nations up. The Treaty of Utrecht ended the violence, where the grandson ceded his ability to rule France, therefore ending the union.
  • Joseph II Comes Into Power

    Joseph II Comes Into Power
    Joseph II of Austria became emperor in 1764. He was one of the most progressive emperors of his time. He got rid of executions and torture. He offered the poor food, and forced the nobility to pay them for their work. Joseph II even tolerated the Protestants and Jews in his nation.
  • Revolutionaries Storm Bastille

    Revolutionaries Storm Bastille
    The Bastille, which represented the French authority at the time, was stormed on this day. This was the first violence from the National Constitutional Assembly, marking the beginning of the French Revolution. The Batsille was a state prison that was infamous for holding the King's prisoners.