Timeline of the Early Modern Period

By Feryal
  • Period: 1500 to

    Early modern period

  • 1509

    The reign of Henry VIII

    The reign of Henry VIII
    Henry VIII became king in 1509 when he was 17 years old.
    During his reign, he separated the Church of England from the Roman Catholic Church.
    He has 6 wives in total and 3 children from different wives.
    He was one of the most emblematic kings.
  • Period: 1509 to 1547

    The reign of Henry VIII

  • Oct 31, 1517

    Martin luther goes against the church believes

    Martin luther goes against the church believes
    Martin luther nailed a critique of the indulgences made by the church to the door of the university of Wittenberg. He was excommunicated in 1521 because of that
  • 1522

    The appearance of the New Testament

    The appearance of the New Testament
    Martin luther translated the bible (that was written in latin) in german and this « new » bible was called the New Testament and published in 1522.
    Willian Tyndale translated the New Testament in english and was called the Tyndale bible. The Tyndale bible was published in 1526.
  • 1532

    The authority and powers of church transferred forcefully to Henry VIII

    From 1532 to 1537, the authority and powers of the Pope and the clergy is being transferred to the king Henry VIII
  • 1534

    Act of supremacy

    Act of supremacy
    Creation of te Anglican church and the new leader is now the king ( Henry VIII ).
    He made the Act of Supremacy for a simple reason : the Pope of the Church didn’t want to let him divorce his wife Catherine of Aragon.
  • 1536

    The downfall of the church

    From 1536 to 1541, the members of the church were disbanded and the king took the income and lands from the church which had bad consequences on those said members
  • 1547

    The reign of Edward VI

    The reign of Edward VI
    The reign of Edward VI was from 1547 to 1553. He was the only son of Henry VIII and explains him being king so young. Because of his age, he had a lord protector.
    During his reign, England was more toward Protestantism.
    Edward VI was a Protestant and let to the publication of the book of common prayers in 1549.
    The Roman Catholic practice was eradicated.
    He died at 15 yrs and Mary I took his place.
  • Period: 1547 to 1553

    Edward VI

  • 1553

    The reign of Mary I

    The reign of Mary I
    She was the daughter of Henry VIII and Catherine of Aragon. She became the first queen at 37 yrs. She was against the Protestantism and brought back catholicism in 18 months. She got married to Philip II of spain to gain an ally.
    She became Bloody mary after killing Protestants ( over 200 under her reign ), they were forced to leave the country.
    Mary I became ill and asked Elizabeth to carry her reforms against Protestantism.
    People were not sad when she died.
  • Period: 1553 to 1558

    The reign of Mary I

  • 1558

    The reign of Elizabeth I

    The reign of Elizabeth I
    Elizabeth I was queen of England from 1558 to 1603.
    She was an unmarried woman and faced problems : she needed to prove herself as a queen and she had to appease religious tension after 25 yrs.
  • Period: 1558 to

    The reign of Elizabeth I

  • 1559

    Act of supremacy

    The act of supremacy was made by Elizabeth I in 1559.
    This act change the church organisation : it abolish the Pope authority, the restoration of the Queen’s authority over the church and made Elizabeth I the « Suprem gouverner of the church of England ».
  • 1571

    The Pope Pius V against Elizabeth I

    The Pope Pius V against Elizabeth I
    The Pope Pius V is against Elizabeth I as a queen.
    He called her a « so-called queen » and he excommunicated her.
    He was at a point where people could kill her and this would not count as a crime.
    In response, the Queen made the Treasons Act in 1571.
  • The babington plot

    The babington plot
    Catholic from England want Elizabeth I dead and put Mary Stuart as a Queen.
    But Francis Walsingham, which Elizabeth employed, was able to get a letter and decipher it.
    Because of that, Mary Stuart was convinced for complicity and sentenced to death.
    She was executed in 1587.
  • The execution of Mary, the Queen of Scotland

    The execution of Mary, the Queen of Scotland
    Mary Stuart got sentenced to death for complicity because she got framed.
    This was to get her out of Elizabeth I way for the only reason that she was seen as a threat by her.
    Catholic wanted her as a queen instead of Elizabeth I, and she was seen as the legitimate heir because of her catholic representation.
  • The defeat of the Spanish armada

    The defeat of the Spanish armada
    Philip II was to make Elizabeth I go down and supported the plot against her.
    Elizabeth I got the support of the dutch revolt against Spain.
    The king of Spain went to attack and invade England but failed completely.
    They lost because they had less material and human help.
  • Period: to

    The coming of the civil war

  • The gunpowder plot

    The gunpowder plot
    This plot had for goal to blow up the parliament and the king together
  • The great contract

    The great contract is a financial reform where the king James I is the only beneficiary
    The king received a fixed sum from the parliament, but the MP were scared that the king would not be dependent on the parliament. A vote was made against the king getting a fixed amount of money and the king James I dismissed the parliament.
  • The thirty years war 1618-1648

    The thirty years war 1618-1648
    The king james I had to participate in the thirty years war because of some of his actions
    He thought he could make peace between the religions and married his son and daughter to two kingdoms : son married to a Spanish catholic princess and daughter married to a german Protestant prince.
  • The petition of rights

    The petition of rights is a document where the MP put all of their complaints on king Charles I altitude and his bad behaviour. They put it in the limits of power and Charles I had to sign it.
  • The three revolutions

    This reform goes against Protestantism and will see people who do not support Catholicism as an enemy, same for the people supporting the king.
  • The personal rule (1629-1640)

    The king Charles decided to get rid of the parliament and start his own reign.
  • The scottish war

    The scottish war
    The scottish opposition came when Charles I attempted to impose the new prayer book.
  • The long parliament (1640-60)

    King charles I had to recreate the parliament because of the lack of help he had against the Scottish.
  • The grand remonstrance

    Its an important document that was voted by the parliament. It summarise all the wrong doing for Charles I and put demands in it.
  • English civil war (1642-49)

    English civil war (1642-49)
    This civil war happened during king charles I’s reign. The causes that lead to civil war are : religious divisions, financials problems and the king himself
  • Charles I declared war against Parliament

  • Creation of common wealth

    After the regicide, A law abolished monarchy.
    -The House of Lords was abolished
    -The House of Commons had supreme authority
  • Period: to

    The Interregnum

  • The execution of the king Charles I

    The execution of the king Charles I
  • The blasphemy Act

  • The Instrument of Government

    The Instrument of Government
    England’s first and only written constitution
  • The end of commonwealth

    The end of the Commonwealth and start of the Protectorate
  • Charles II issued the Declaration of Breda

    Charles II issued the Declaration of Breda
    It promised:
    -A general amnesty (pardon)
    -To continue religious toleration
    -To share power with Parliament
    …in return for the restoration of monarchy.
  • Period: to

    The end of protectorate

  • Period: to

    Early restoration

  • The Popish Plot

    The Popish Plot
    Rumour of a plot organised by the French to murder Charles II and replace him by his Catholic brother James Il.
  • The Exclusion crisis (1679-1681)

    Parliament attempted to debar James II from the succession to the English throne.
  • The Glorious revolution

    The Glorious revolution
    In 1688, Parliament invited the King’s son in law to invade England and seize the crown.
  • The Bill of Rights

    Lists King James’ misdeeds
    -Fixed limitations on the sovereign’s powers
    -Set out the rights of Parliament
    -Set out basic civil rights
    -A key political text
  • The Act of Settlement

    The Act of Settlement
    Settled the order of succession and ensured a Protestant succession, ignoring dozens of Catholic heirs.
  • Act of Union between England and Scotland

    Act of Union between England and Scotland
    Creation of the United Kingdom of Great Britain: England (and Wales) and Scotland.