Timeline 3 - Jovany Trevino

  • Period: 1000 to 1300

    The High Middle Ages

  • 1010


    Inventions: Gothic style of architecture begins.
  • Period: 1015 to May 25, 1088

    Pope Gregory VII Lifespan

    Significant People: Pope Gregory VII is significant because his role as pope foreshadows the conflict between papacy and Holy Roman Empire.
  • 1072

    Pope Gregory VII

    Pope Gregory VII
    Becomes pope in 1072
  • Period: 1096 to 1289

    The Crusades

    Key Event: The legacy of the Crusades is seen in the decline of feudalism, strengthening the monarch, encouraging trade, while sparking an interest in geography and travel.
  • Period: 1096 to 1099

    The First Crusade

    Key Events: It ends the Muslim rule on Jerusalem.
  • 1130

    Tournaments Banned

    Tournaments Banned
    Church Influence: Church authorities banned tournaments in France.
  • Period: Mar 5, 1133 to Jul 6, 1189

    Henry II Lifespan

    Significant Person: Henry II is a significant person because he helped restore the royal administration and gained control of his lands.
  • 1144

    Pope Eugeneus Issues Second Crusade

    Pope Eugeneus Issues Second Crusade
  • Period: 1147 to 1149

    The Second Crusade

    Complete Failure
  • 1154

    Henry II Becomes King

    Henry II Becomes King
  • 1180


    Inventions: Windmills that are generally used today were invented roughly in this time date with horizontal axle sails.
  • 1184

    Heresy Persecution

    Heresy Persecution
    Church Influence: Church officials meet and approved the burning at stake as punishment for anyone found of heresy.
  • 1189

    Richard the Lionheart

    Richard the Lionheart
    Significant People: Richard the Lionheart becomes King of England
  • Period: 1189 to 1192

    The Third Crusade

    Key Event: The Christian's failed to reconquer Jerusalem.
  • 1200

    Revival of Universities

    Revival of Universities
    Church Influences: Revival of University begin to promote revival of education due to funding by the Church.
  • Period: 1202 to 1204

    The Fourth Crusade

    Key Event: After the fourth crusade, the East and West developed deep mistrust between among each other. Another event that occurred in this crusade is the sack of Constantinople.
  • 1215

    Fourth Lateran Council

    Fourth Lateran Council
    Church Influence: After the council, the attended concluded that Christians must confess their sins at least once a year, and included the pronouncement of marriage banns.
  • May 15, 1215

    Magna Carta

    Magna Carta
    Invention: Signed by King John, the document gave some rights towards the people and stated that the king was not above the law.
  • Period: 1226 to 1270

    Louis IX of France Reign

    Significant Person: Louis IX of France was beloved by his subjects because he prohibited private warfare among nobles and established sound, reliable coinage.
  • 1290


    Inventions: This is the rough time in which the first spectacles were invented.