Time toast review

  • Period: Apr 13, 1400 to

    Modern History

  • Apr 15, 1478

    Spanish Inquistition

    A law that was made to insure catholic dominance over all of Spain.
  • Jan 1, 1492

    Columbus sails to America

    Columbus sails to America
    In 1492 Christopher Columbus discovered America on his way to the Indies in Asia.
  • Apr 13, 1521

    Cortez conquers the Aztecs

    Cortez conquers the Aztecs
    in 1521 Cortez led 600 men to the Aztec capital Tenochititlan and conquered the Aztecs.
    More information at...
  • Apr 13, 1543

    Copernicus presents the heliocentric Theory

    Copernicus presents the heliocentric Theory
    Copernicus presents his theory of the earth not being the center of the universe it was rejected and he was disliked for it.
  • Apr 15, 1556

    King Philip II becomes king of Spain

    King Philip becomes king and trys to make all citizens Catholic.
  • Apr 15, 1558

    Elizabeth Tudor becomes queen of England

    Elizabeth Tudor becomes queen of England
    Comes to the throne after her half sister, Mary, Elizabeth fixes many problems made by Mary.
  • Queen Elizabeth dies

    Queen Elizabeth dies
    Queen Elizabeth dies and the Stuarts family take over the throne.
  • English settle Jamestown

    English settle Jamestown
    The English created their first colony in the new world the Virginia Company of London funded the voyage.
    more information at
  • Louis XIV of France begins his reign

    Louis XIV of France begins his reign
    In 1661 King louis the XIV succeeds his chief minister and as a follower of divine rights of kings, claims he was choosen by God to rule.
  • Peter the Great of Russia begins his reign

    Peter the Great of Russia begins his reign
    Peter the Great begins a joint sovereign with his half brother Ivan V. in 1696 Ivan died and Peter became sole ruler.
  • Charles II dies

    King Charles II dies without an heir and the throne goes to his catholic brother James II
  • Glorious Revolution in England

    Glorious Revolution in England
    King James II of England is overthrow without any fighting by William of Orange and his wife Mary II of England. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Glorious_Revolution
  • Peter the Great dies

    Peter the great dies of fever ending his reign.
  • French Revolution begins

    French Revolution begins
    The French Revolution began with the tennis court oath.
  • Napolean conquers most of Europe

    Napolean conquers most of Europe
    Napoleon creates the French empire and conquers almost all of Europe, He was defeated by the British