The Town Game

By OSU0004
  • Period: to

    The Town Game

  • Fall ill

    Fall ill
    Somebody's sewage falls on my head so I fall ill. I didn't have enough money for the limited amount of medicine their is so I was just given some herbs.
  • Fight with thugs

    Fight with thugs
    I got beaten up by some town thugs that don't like newcomers. I lose all my money except for one coin which I hid in my boot during the fight.
  • House on fire

    House on fire
    My lodgings caught on fire. I acciddently left the fire going too long. I survived but lost my last coin. I have to find somewhere else to live before I can work again. The fire crew took forever to arrive, by the time they got there it was to late.
  • Sleep in Pigsty

    Sleep in Pigsty
    I couldn't find another place to live so I slept in the pigsty. It stinks but it's also warm and free. Pigsties are dirty and untidy places.
  • Get beaten up again

    Get beaten up again
    The thugs from December come back for some more. Except this this there are no coins to be taken from me! I hope they get punished for there crimes eventually; I heard somebody got executed by being burned to death last week.! Punishment is horrible in this country.
  • Back in the Pigsty

    Back in the Pigsty
    Back in the Pigsty, still don't have work. But I have a plan. I am planning to get a job as a stone Mason. Stone Mason work is very hard and dangerous but I'll get good pay
  • Sell best Cow

    Sell best Cow
    I sell my best cow, from that I earn two coins. I takes me a whole day just for someone to buy it. As people don't have a lot of money here; but some rich lord eventually comes along and buys it from me.