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The Inca Empire

  • 1200

    The Incas settle in Cuzco

    The Incas settle in Cuzco
    Manco Capac led his sisters, and other followers and they eventually settled in Cuzco (begging of the empire)
  • 1438

    A New Time for the Inca

    A New Time for the Inca
    The rebirth of the Incan empire, under the new ruler Pachacuti Inca Yupanqui, the Inca begin to conquer new territory.
  • 1450

    Machu Picchu is built

    Machu Picchu is built
    Built in the Mid 1440s, as a royal estate, and religious temple for the Incan empire. Machu Picchu is one of the most visted sites in the world
  • 1453

    The Inca Built their Road system

    The Inca Built their Road system
    The Inca build their road system to make transportation easier througout the empire.
  • 1533

    The Inca Empire Falls

    The Inca Empire Falls
    The Inca Empire falls to the Spanish