The French Revolution

  • Louie XVI of France was born

    The last Bourbon King of France was born.
  • Jacques Nekker represented his financial report to Louie XVI

    The Kings goverrnment impressed by Jacque Nekkers financial reputation and connections, recruited Nekker as a financial minister. After the fall of governments taxes, Nekker represented his financial report to Louie XVI.
  • Estates meet for the first time since 1614

    The Estates General was summoned for the first time since 1614, due to financial problems.
  • Third Estate declared itself as National Assembly

    The 1st and 2nd Estate (Nobility and clergy) would always over power the 3rd Estate (Commoners). Upon realising this, the members of the 3rd Estate formed their own separate group called the National Assembly.
  • Tennis Court Oath

    After being excluded from Estates General meetings, they shifted into an indoor tennis court. Here, they pledged to remain as one until a new written constitution would be established.
  • Storming of the Bastille

    The Bastille fell on July 14th (Tuesday) 1789. It was a symbol of royal power and tyranny. (cruel and unlawful use of power and authority.) This event captured the victory of common people’s capability overpowering the power of the King. The Commander of the Bastille, only having 114 men to defend his prison was frightened, and surrendered against the besiegers, comprised of almost 1000 people. (angry, unemployed and hungry French people)
  • Declaration of Rights of Men and of Citizen

    The Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen was issued by the National Assembly on 26th August 1789. It was composed of two articles. The first article stated that, "Men are born and remain free and equal in rights. Social distinctions may be based only upon the general good." The second article stated that, "Sovereignty (political power) rests in the nation. No body or individual may exercise any authority which does not come directly from the nation".
  • Flight to Varennes

    On the 21st June 1791, King Louis along with the royal family fled to Paris in disguise towards what is now known as Belgium.Upon being recognised at Varennes, they were brought back to Paris. Because King Louis had left a letter explaining his thoughts of the revolution, many saw him as a traitor.
  • Civil Constitution of Clergy

    The Civil Constitution of Clergy was a law that was passed which caused the immediate subordination of the Catholic Church in France to the French Revolution.
  • Seperation of the National Assembly

    While France was proclaimed a constitutional monarchy on 30th September 1791, the National assembly diffused and was replaced with the new Legislative Assembly. No members of the National assembly were given positions in the new assembly. Legislative Assembly was comprised of a range of political groups.
  • France Vs Austria War

    France declares war against Austria on the 20th April, 1792. As French troops lacked discipline and organisation, allied Austrian and Prussian troops began crossing the frontier and marching into Paris. France were concerned Austria would restore King Louis to his former position on the throne, and felt it necessary to defend their new republic. France was effected immensely – food shortage, poverty, deaths etc. French troops gained victory at Valmy (100 miles from Paris)
  • Declaration of a new republic

    Legislative assembly separated and replaced itself with new political group called the National Convention.National Convention groups first act was to declare France officially as a republic on September 21, 1792.
  • The Reign of Terror

    The Reign of Terror was an immensely violent phase during the French revolution. Montagnards (Radical Jacobin leaders in the National Convention) believed a period of terror was necessary to protect the revolution, and countless French citizens lost their lives. French citizens had to be cautious of everything they said or actions they took. Any slight opposition against the revolution would result in execution.
  • Directory and rise of Napoleon

    The National Convention established a new organisation for France in 1795. This new government was called the Directory and consisted of five members in an executive council.The Directory became involved in corruption, political conflict and financial problems. Depended on army to remain in their position of power.
    Napoleon Bonaparte, a successful military commander overthrew the Directory. Napoleon established the Consulate and called himself the First Consul.