the event between 500-1500 AD

By dozza
  • 143

    1543 the portuguese

    1543- the Portuguese first arrived in japan in 1543 AD. They introduced Christianity to the Japanese Which was quite successful for a brief period of time before being outlawed in 1639 when the Portuguese came to japans shores they also brought other products that they had never heard of before like cotton , refined sugar , tempura , seafood and tobacco.
  • Sep 11, 1046

    german emperor

    German Emperor Henry III arrives in Italy and names a German monastic reformer as pope. The series of reforming popes that follow enacts decrees against simony and clerical marriage.
  • Jan 1, 1066

    end of the vikings

    The Viking age ended when the raids stopped. The year 1066 is frequently used as a convenient marker for the end of the Viking age. At the Battle of Stamford Bridge
  • Dec 1, 1085

    domesday book

    The Domesday Book was commissioned in December 1085 by William the Conqueror. William invaded England in 1066. The first draft of the book was completed in August 1086 and contained records for settlements in the English counties south of the rivers Ribble and Tees.
  • Jan 1, 1096

    first crusade

    The leaders of the First Crusade included some of the most distinguished representatives of European knighthood. Count Raymond of Toulouse headed a band of volunteers from Provence in southern France. Godfrey of Bouillon and his brother Baldwin commanded a force of French and Germans from the Rhinelands.
  • Mar 22, 1145

    the seound crusade

    The Second Crusade was launched from Europe in 1145 in response to the fall of the County of Edessa the previous year. Edessa was the first of the Crusader states to have been founded during the First Crusade and was the first to fall.
  • Feb 22, 1189

    Third Crusade

    The Muslim forces combined Egyptian and Syrian forces led by Saladin won. The 3rd Crusade 1182-1192, also known as the King's Crusade was the second attempt to reconquer the Holy Land. After the failure to win the 2nd Crusade. Although they had a strong military victories by the Christian forces internal conflicts within the leadership occurred. In 1192 Richard I and Saladin finalized a treaty that retained the Holy Land und
  • Jan 1, 1300

    start of black death

    The Black Plague was an epic pandemic in the medieval time. The black plague spread quickly throughout Europe. The plague could not be stopped. It had numerous short and long term effects on society in the 14th Century. it got so significant that it was killing 7500 people everyday.
  • Jan 1, 1346

    vaules and beliefs of the black death

    Values and beliefs were changed because of doctors. Doctors changed people’s minds about the cause of the Black plague from being god to being a Miasmic poison carried through the air disease. People believed the doctors but still prayed to god to save them from the horror of the disease.
  • Jan 1, 1381

    the black plague the peasant rovolt

    An army of peasants from Kent and Essex marched on London. They did something no one had done before or since they captured the Tower of London. The Archbishop of Canterbury and the King’s Treasurer were killed. The king richard was only 14 at the time but despite his youth he agreed to meet the peasants at a place called Mile End.
  • Jun 12, 1543

    shoganate japan portuguese

    1543- the Portuguese first arrived in japan in 1543 AD. They introduced Christianity to the Japanese Which was quite successful for a brief period of time before being outlawed in 1639 when the Portuguese came to japans shores they also brought other products that they had never heard of before like cotton , refined sugar , tempura , seafood and tobacco.
  • Jan 1, 1575


    1575- Arquebus did not became significant weapons on the battlefield oda nobunga demonstrated their destructive power capacity that it could cause at the battle of nagashino.
  • Europeans

    the first europeans to reach the shores of japan were the portuguse merchants in the sixteenth century other merchant from different places in the world soon followed
  • tokugawa bakufu

    in 1639 the tokugawa bakufu passed several law restrictions all foreigners entering japan with expectations of the dutch who were allowed to maintain a small tradeing out post.
  • The practice of the baroque

    The practice of the baroque era was the standard against which new composition was measured, and there came to be a division between sacred works, which held more closely to the Baroque style from secular or profane works, which were in the new style.
  • the great plague of london

    An out brake of the plague occurred in London at the time period of late 1664 it had the same symptoms of the black plague of swelling boils etc. The plague spread through London very quickly with death coming soon after.
  • spanish conquest of the americans

    In 1783, Simon Bolivar, the great liberator of South America, was born in Caracas. For more than 200 years, this city had been one of the great centres of Spanish imperial power in South America.
  • americana

    the arrival of the americans fleet in 1853 intensified the simmering resentment felt by peasants and other groups in society of japan
  • daimyo

    in november 1867 three powerful tazz,a daimyo from western japan and some disscounted nobles in edo demanded that the showguns tokugawa yoshinnoba succumbed to the pressure
  • ottoman empire

    In the 1870's the Ottoman empire faced several uprisings against them supported by the Russians which allows Serbia Montenegro and Romania to become independant.